
SPECTER training data preparation with S2ORC

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-domain SPECTER/SciDocs data preparation with S2ORC

Please also take a look at the original S2ORC README for the introduction to S2ORC.

The Python scripts currently present in this repository are written to parse the S2ORC data files into the format that SPECTER's preprocessing code expects. Note that the SPECTER authors have not released the instructions for generating the exact set of training data used to produce their results, although they have provided the pickled data files here.

SPECTER training data

In a nutshell, SPECTER needs two sets of data:

  1. data.json: The dictionary of the query paper IDs, and the IDs of the associated papers that either

    1. directly cited by the query paper or
    2. indirectly cited by the query paper, i.e. may have been cited by the directly cited paper, but not by the query paper.
  2. metadata.json: titles and abstracts of all the papers ever appearing in data.json.

In addition, we also need to create train.txt, val.txt, test.txt, which needs to contain just the IDs of the query papers to be included in training, validation, and test set respectively.

Nearly all the pieces of information we need to extract are included in the metadata part of S2ORC. However, the abstract field in metadata appears to be incomplete, as they are provided by the sources they got the papers from, rather than directly parsing the actual paper PDFs. Hence, we will be using pdf_parses as well to extract the abstracts of all the papers in data.json and put them into metadata.json.

In addition, both metadata and pdf_parses are sharded into 100 gziped JSONL files. They were splitted randomly, so we would have to iterate through all the shards in order to find the paper of particular ID.

How to run

First, run specter_prep_data.py to create data.json.

  1. We first call parse_metadata_shard() for each metadata shards to obtain the following objects:
    • output_citation_data: the citation graph encoded in this shard file.
      • Note that the citations here currently may have unsafe citations, since we are yet to see the metadata of each cited paper that could exist in a different shard.
    • output_query_paper_ids: all query paper ids in this shard.
    • output_query_paper_ids_by_field: query paper ids organized by mag_field_of_study. This is needed particularly when we create a train/val/test split later on.
    • output_safe_paper_ids: Mappings between every signle paper ids ever found to be safe (have valid mag_field_of_study, pdf_parse, pdf_parse_abstract) and their shard #s. Unsafe papers will have the shard number of -1.
    • output_titles: the titles of all paper ids.
  2. For each items in the step above, we combine across all the shards to create single objects.
  3. With all the items returned from each shard put together, we now have citation_data for the entirety of s2orc, but this currently have unsafe citations that we have discussed above. Hence We call sanitize_citation_data_direct to remove them.
    • After removing unsafe citations, some query papers will be left with 0 citations. We need to remove these query papers as well.
    • query_paper_ids and query_paper_ids_by_fields also need to be updated accordingly.
  4. Next, we will get all the indirect citations by calling get_indirect_citations for each shard.
    • For each query paper id, we call get_citation_by_ids to get the papers cited by them.
    • If the citations returned are safe and not cited by the query paper, we record them as indirect citations.
  5. We combine direct citations and indirect citations into one single citation graph (citation_data_final).
  6. We dump citation_data_final to data.json.
  7. We create a train-val-test split from the list of query paper ids.
    • In order to make sure that each fields of study are similarly represented in the splits, we select the set proportion of papers from each list of papers by fields.
  8. Lastly, we dump the following into files to run specter_prep_metadata.py:
    • paper_ids.json: all paper ids ever appearing as query papers or citations in citation_data_final
    • safe_paper_ids.json: While we used this to filter out unsafe papers, this also can tell which shard each paper id belongs to. Note that this is not the same as paper_ids.json: This would also contain safe papers that are NOT part of paper_ids.json.
    • titles.json: A dictionary of title strings for all papers.

Once we confirm that specter_prep_data.py ended without errors, then we can proceed to the next part with specter_prep_metadata.py.

Second, run specter_prep_metadata.py to create metadata.json.

  1. For each paper ids in all_paper_ids, we check safe_paper_ids to check which shard # they belong to and record them in all_paper_ids_by_shard.
  2. We then call parse_pdf_parses_shard for each pdf_parses shard to extract abstracts of the papers that appear in all_paper_ids_by_shard. If the paper currently encoutered does appear in all_paper_ids, then we record the abstract to output_metadata, along with the titles that had already been extracted in titles.json.
  3. We dump metadata to metadata.json.

Multi-SciDocs cite and co-cite dataset

Please run the following commands, one by one. You will want to adjust num_processes based on the number of cores available on your system:


python3 scidocs-cite_prep_part1.py ../new/20200705v1/full/ scidocs-shard7 --num_processes 24 --shards 7
python3 scidocs-cite_prep_part2.py scidocs-shard7/data.json scidocs-shard7/paper_ids.json scidocs-shard7/safe_paper_ids.json scidocs-shard7/titles.json ../new/20200705v1/full/ scidocs-shard7 --num_processes 24
python3 scidocs-cite_prep_part3.py scidocs-shard7/data_final.json scidocs-shard7/paper_ids.json scidocs-shard7/test.txt scidocs-shard7/cite/test.qrel --max_num_positives 5 --max_num_negatives 500 


python3 scidocs-cite_prep_part1.py ../new/20200705v1/full/ scidocs-shard7-cocite --num_processes 24 --shards 7 --cocite
python3 scidocs-cite_prep_part2.py scidocs-shard7-cocite/data.json scidocs-shard7-cocite/paper_ids.json scidocs-shard7-cocite/safe_paper_ids.json scidocs-shard7-cocite/titles.json ../new/20200705v1/full/ scidocs-shard7-cocite --num_processes 24
python3 scidocs-cite_prep_part3.py scidocs-shard7-cocite/data_final.json scidocs-shard7-cocite/paper_ids.json scidocs-shard7-cocite/test.txt scidocs-shard7-cocite/cocite/test.qrel --max_num_positives 5 --max_num_negatives 500 --cocite

Please feed the resulting json file to embed.py in Multi^2SPE to get paper embeddings. Then plug in both the resulting embeddings and qrel files into SciDocs.