
Use a Raspberry Pi to display weather, news, and other information, vintage-style, on a composite monitor

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use a Raspberry Pi to display weather, news, and other information, on a composite monitor... vintage style!

RetroFeed in use

The feed is a continuous scroll up the screen, using plain ASCII text at 40x24, along the lines of Don Lancaster's TV Typewriter and similar displays of its era.

See config.md for tips on setting up your Pi for composite output, getting it to boot to the command line, configuring the default Pi terminal to look appropriately "retro", etc.

Currently this is just doing some very clumsy web-scraping, with refreshes at certain intervals. Expect the scrapers to break at some point, if they're not already broken by the time you read this. One could also use RSS feeds and/or publicly-available APIs, of course.

Weather, Space Station, and Stock displays