#StarGate - A General TCP transparent Proxy
[root@blackanimal workbench]# wget http://meet.xpro.im/stargate/stargate.tar.gz
[root@blackanimal workbench]# tar -zxvf stargate.tar.gz
[root@blackanimal workbench]# cd stargate
[root@blackanimal workbench]# cd etc
[root@blackanimal stargate]# cp pool.config.example pool.config
then modify config
{memcache, {listen, 8605}, {handler, raw_tcp_handler},
[{size, 1}, {max_overflow, 20}]
, [{host, {10,58,41,59}}, {port, 11211}]
install erlang first
clone this reop to your workbench
entry src directory
if you want another protocol handler, write it into the handler directory