Mount over SSH on Apple OS X

Brief instructions to mount a drive onto your mac over SSH. This will integrate in the Finder UI, which is very useful.

First, install sshfs and FUSE.

Now, in the terminal, create the mount point as a directory. Do this only once.

# Do this only once
sudo mkdir /Volumes/mymount

When it's time to mount to your local directory do the following.

sudo sshfs -o allow_other [USERNAME]@[HOST]:/my/path/to/stuff /Volumes/mymount

To unmount:

sudo umount /Volumes/mymount

In this example, I've mounted using sudo and put the mount point in Volumes. To enable access to non-root users, we use the allow_other option. This can be omitted when not sudo-ing and using a local directory, for example, on ~/Desktop.

NOTE: If you are having issues, trying unmounting and re-mounting until you are successful. This is possibly due to a bug in FUSE.