
{EPITECH.} Sorting algorithm in C language.

Primary LanguageC


{EPITECH.} first year project.

C program that sorts a list of integers passed as arguments.



Navigate to the root of the repository from your Terminal and run make to build the push_swap executable file.

How to use Pushswap?

Pass a list of integers as argument to ./push_swap:

./push_swap 42 84 21 ...

Pushswap prints the series of operations necessary to sort the list given as argument.

The operations can be:

  • sa: swap the first two elements of the list (nothing will happen if there aren't enough elements).
  • ra: rotate the list toward the beginning, the first element will become the last.
  • rra: rotate the list toward the end, the last element will become the first.


  • -v: verbose mode (prints of the list after each operation)