
Python module for OpenwebIf Engima2 :satellite: boxes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status

enigma2.py is a python module providing a python interface to interact with an Engima2 enabled satellite set-top-box running OpenWebIF

enigma2.py is licensed under the MIT license.

Getting started

enigma2.py is compatible with OWIF 0.4 or newer. It may work on older versions, but that has not been tested.

For further info on OpenWebIf and it's API's see: https://github.com/E2OpenPlugins/e2openplugin-OpenWebif

Details of the full list of functions available in OpenWebIf are listed here


enigma2.py requires:

  • requests>=2.0
  • jsonpath-rw


pip install enigma2.py


import enigma2.api

# Connect to an Enigma2 box at
device = enigma2.api.Enigma2Connection(host='')

# Power on the device
is_now_in_standby = device.is_box_in_standby()

# Set the volume to 45
request_success = device.set_volume(45)

# Search for Home and Away in the current EPG
epg_results = device.search_epg('Home and Away')


enigma2.py is hosted by Github at https://github.com/ronanmu/enigma2.py.

Code has been tested with the following before commit:

flake8 enigma2
pylint enigma2
coverage run --source enigma2 -m unittest discover tests

Copyright (c) 2018 Ronan Murray.