
Primary LanguageJava

Demo Animal API

Table of content


This application is an API responsible to store data from pets(Animals) of the partners. This API contains the following methods:

  • Create animals
  • Update Status
  • Find animals by filter

This application receive needs to configure one environment variable.


  • You will need Java 17 version because of use Spring Boot 3.
  • We are considering to run application o Intellij.

Architecture and Design

  • In this application we choose a Hexagonal Architecture
  • Isolate class in layers:
    • Layer for business rules (package domain.adapter.services)
    • Layer for input (read files) classes (package application.controller) for rest apis
    • Layer for infrastructure classes (package infrastructure) for files and database access
    • Layer for domain classes (package domain)


This application requires the following requirements to build and run:

  • [Required] Java17 - Programming language version 11
  • IntelliJ - Recommended IDE
  • [Required] Gradle - Dependency Management

This application can run in multiple operational systems, we recommend to use Linux or Windows.

Build and Run

This application needs one environment variables: - images_folder - this is used to set a folder to store image files. You should set this variable on Intellij or if you want you can change on build.gradle on 'test' session.

test {
	environment 'images_folder','/home/ronan/files'

bootRun {
	systemProperty 'images_folder','/home/ronan/files'


After clone the repository developer needs to run the following commands:

  1. ./gradlew build this command can run the entire build process, if you need any other command please check Maven Documentation.

Running Application

  • Run via Command line:
    • ./gradlew bootRun
