Toontown Empire

The official repo for Toontown Empire, a new Toontown game based on Disney's Toontown Online.


  1. Dynamite- Fouder, Team Leader, and Game Developer
  2. Xikyl- Art Director, Texture, and Graphic Artist
  3. Spike- Community Manager, Lead Moderator, Creative Director
  4. CodeanGo(dubito) - leader after dynamite dissapeared
  5. MGRacer48 - coder
  6. Dan(ponyboy837) - coder
  7. malverde - coder
  8. jwcotejr(Jawhnl5) - coder

Repo Rules and Regulations:

When adding commits, don't push to master unless the code is tested and fully functional.


I like to thank TTR for bringing back toontown and being the start of it all I also like to thank disney for making toontown online I like to thank jesse schell for keeping toontown alive and supporting the toontown community I also like to thank toontown stride for their source code(that is the base of TTE) I also like to thank the above staff for making this game possible and dynamite for giving me the opportunity to work for this project -mgracer48 coder for TTE until it got disbanded