An experimental gem to add a more flexible grouping option to the excellent prawn gem.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'prawn-grouping'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install prawn-grouping do
20.times { text "Regular text" }
group do |g|
20.times { g.text "Paragraphs not separated unless necessary" }
end do
5.times { text "Regular text" }
group do |g|
15.times { g.text "Paragraphs not separated unless necessary" }
group do |g|
30.times { g.text "Subparagraphs not separated unless necessary" }
Do not overuse nesting because a every combination has to be tested recursively in a temporary document
Currently three callbacks are supported:
A proc called before the content is rendered and does fit context.:fits_new_context
A proc called before the content is rendered and does fit a single context.:too_tall
A proc called before the content is rendered and does not fit a single context. do
5.times { text "Regular text" }
group :too_tall => lambda { start_new_page } do |g|
15.times { g.text "Paragraphs not separated unless necessary" }
The example above starts a new page if the content is too tall for a single page. Default behavior would be to just append the content.
When using JRuby on a version smaller than 0.2.0 a block parameter has to be supplied. For the other tested Interpreters this was optional. do
5.times { text "Regular text" }
group do |g|
15.times { g.text "Paragraphs not separated unless necessary" }
The grouping internally works by executing the block one or multiple times and checking the results, because deep copy did not work well for the original implementation in many cases. As a result you should not manipulate your data objects within the block. See issue #7 for details.
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request