Demo app implementing a dutch auction.
- Updates to every auction state are sent over SSE (Server Sent Events).
- All security aspects have been neglected
- Due to the Author's inexperience with the Node and NPM ecosystem, the app has been implemented in ClojureScript using the Google Closure JavaScript Compiler
There is a Dockerfile for simple deployment The page is available at http://localhost:3000
$ docker build -t dutch .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 dutch:latest
I have not figured out how to make node honor ctrl-c
in a docker image,
therefore i apologize in advance for lost terminal sessions :-)
Node and npm need to be available in $PATH
$ brew install leiningen
$ lein cljsbuild once server
$ lein cljsbuild once client
$ node target/cljsbuild-main.js
Happy bidding!