
Generates a portfolio page from a markdown file you create on this repo right here. More details below

Primary LanguageSCSS

Folio for everyone

Two ways to generate your portfolio page

  1. Create a new file on Github and make a pull request - more details below


  1. If you don't have or want an account on Github copy content of this file, edit the file to your liking and then send the file to me and I'll generate for page manually. My email is email

How to generate portfolio page in detail

  1. Sign in or Sign up on Github

  2. Fork the repository

  3. Create a new file HERE. Name it desired-name.md and paste the content from this file file

  4. Now replace existing text with your information. Every piece of information is optional. Remove what you don't need or what doesn't apply to your case.

  5. Create pull request

  6. After I process the request your portfolio page will be generated here: https://folio-for-everyone.netlify.app/members/desired-name

The example page is approximately what your page will look like: here. Keep in mind the base URL might (but probably won't) change at any point.

You can also download the repo, generate your portfolio page and host it on your own.

MD file breakdown

Section Description
header Has 3 sections and is fixed when scrolling. You can use two or only one section. Just keep the text short
Section Block Description
page You can customize page colors here. By default it's white text on black background
customColors Set to true if you want to use custom colors
transition_left Color of the left half of the loading animation
transition_right Color of the right half of the loading animation
background Color of the page background
color Color of the text on the page
Section Block Element Description
head This section isn't shown on the screen but it holds information used when sharing the page on social media
font Use googlefonts for this. Pick a typeface you want to use and paste its link here. Defaults to Poppins (sans-serif) if no custom typeface was set. Keep in mind you will need font weights 300, 500 and 700 for best results. The page was designed with Poppins and it fits the layout perfectly. Serif fonts will not look great.
Select styles you need - font example. From the sidebar on the right copy the href value from the code snippet <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Zilla+Slab&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">. Should look something like this https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Zilla+Slab&display=swap
meta this information is shown when someone googles your name or when you share the link to your portfolio page on social media
site_name Shows up when sharing on discord and possibly other platforms
title Shows your name
description Describe who you are and what you do in about 20 words
banner_url You can create an image that will be shown when sharing page. Recommended dimensions are 1200px x 630px. Use services like postimage to host your image
theme_color Theme color is the color of the address bar on android devices

Share card previews

Twitter share card Facebook share card Linkedin share card Discord share card

Section Block Description
intro Introduce yourself here
title Section title shown in the left column
description Shown on the right. Divide each paragraph like in the example. You can input emojis or html snippets if you need to
Section Description
about Layout is the same as in the intro section
Section Block List Element Description
skills List your competences here
title Section title shown in the left column
category You can use one or more categories. Just keep at least one
title You can categorize your skills if needed by giving it a title
tools You can list the tools you are using by giving them a name
name Name the software or tool you are using
Section Block Element Image Description
work You can link your projects here
title Section title shown in the left column
project Lists your projects. Needs text to show and URL
text Text to be shown on the screen
url Link to the social media page
image If needed add a preview image
url Upload an image to postimage and paste the direct link here
description Describe what's on the image for accessibility reasons
Section Block Element Description
socials Link your social media here
title Section title shown in the left column
network Lists social networks you decide to set
text Text to be shown on the screen
url Link to the social media page
Section Block Element Description
footer Final section on the page
email Setup your email template here
address Your email address goes here
subject Placeholder subject of the message
body Placeholder body of the message

Show option

Option Description
show Show option is in most Sections. Set to true if you want the block to be shown. Any other value will hide the section. Useful if you want to keep information you've put in but not show at all times