title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
true |
2022-11-20 07:15:58 UTC |
markdown |
2022-06-09 04:58:51 UTC |
Welcome to the Streamer.bot Extensions Wiki! This is a repository for all the community made extensions for Streamer.bot. You may use any of these extensions to further enhance your stream.
Extensions are provided as is and any alterations to them are done at your own risk! Please make sure you understand this before altering anything in them outside of the directions provided in this wiki! {.is-danger}
This wiki is here to not only provide you with great resources to enhance your stream but also to guide you in configuring each resource provided. You may use any of them and alter them as you like but extensions are provided as is and any alterations to them are done at your own risk. Failure to follow the guides on this wiki may result in resources not functioning properly. Please make sure you understand this before trying to alter things outside of the direction of this wiki.
All contributions provided are credited to their respective author. If you decide to alter any of the resources here and release them with additional functionalities to the community feel free to do so. Out of respect for the community and the authors of these resources it is just asked that you credit the original author's work that your resources were derived from. The goal of this wiki is to share resources with the community in a ethical manner that contributes to the Streamer.bot community as a whole.