Welcome to our BlockWord Repository!

This project is sponsored by blockchain901.org. (https://blockchain901.org/)

BlockWord Game Project

We are developing a word guessing game similar to the legacy game "Hangman". This project will teach us to design and develop a game on full stack web technologies. Our game incorporates several frameworks and programming languages including - drizzle, node.js, ethereum virtual machine, react.js, solidity, and javascript.


We are using the Truffle development environment. It is a open source blockchain development tool. (https://www.trufflesuite.com/)


Drizzle is collection of front-end libraries used to create decentralized applications (dapps). We are creating our dapp on the Ethereum blockchain network. The core of Drizzle is based on the Redux Store. (https://redux.js.org/api/store/)


Drizzle uses prebuilt react components. We use the React javascript library to build our user interfaces that interact with Drizzle. (https://reactjs.org/)

BlockWord Contract

Our BlockWord game uses an Ethereum contract written in Solidity. This contract will read, write and store data used in our Blockword game.


This is the word guessing game that will run in your web browser.

  • Initial Markdown file created using the website StackEdit.io
  • This project will be moved to our official blockchain901 repository after testing.