
Welcome to EduTrained.

Project Overview

EduTrained Event Management Website Development Project is performed as a part of the Milestone-09 Assignment-09 of Batch-8 by ProgrammingHero Community.

Visit the live website here: https://b8a9-event-management-etp.web.app/

Key Features

Here are some of the key features and functionalities of this project:

  1. Responsive Design: The website should be accessible and look good on various devices and screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  2. User Registration and Login: For sites with user-specific content or e-commerce, offer registration and login functionality.
  3. Firebase Authentication: Authentication is done using Firebase Authentication System.
  4. Google Login: A new user can login using google account as a third party provider.
  5. Error Handling: We've implemented robust error handling to provide informative error messages and gracefully handle unexpected situations.
  6. User-Friendly Navigation: Intuitive navigation menus, clear headers, and a logical site structure help users easily find the information they're looking for.
  7. 404 Error Page: A custom 404 error page that helps users find their way back to the main site in case they land on a broken or non-existent page.
  8. Fetch Data from Fake-data JSON File: The website fetch data from Fake Data JSON file.
  9. SPA with React: FrontEnd is developed as a Single Page Application using React-Router.
  10. Interactive Elements: We've incorporated interactive features such as form validation, SweetAlert, and pop-up modals to enhance user engagement.


We'd like to acknowledge and thank the Programming Hero Community for their contributions and support.

Thank you for your interest in Event Management Assignment Project! If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us; rather it will make us happy. Happy Coding 😊😊😊...