
function argument injection for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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reflekt can call functions and construct new object, injecting any arguments required. This is achieved by converting the function to a string and using regex to parse out the arguments. Each argument is then resolved using a defined resolver, which can either be an object containing key/value pairs of names and values to pass, or a function which takes the name of the argument as a parameter and returns the argument to pass.


Install using NPM:

npm install reflekt --save

Examples / Quickstart

This covers the basic usage of reflekt, for more detailed information consult the API section below.

NOTE: for brevity's sake, all examples should be assumed to begin with:

var reflekt = require('reflekt');

function myFunc(foo, bar) {
    console.log('foo', foo);
    console.log('bar', bar);

function myOtherFunc(foo, bar) {
    console.log('foo', foo);
    console.log('bar', bar);

function MyClass(foo, bar) {
    console.log('foo', foo);
    console.log('bar', bar);

MyClass.prototype = {
    something: function(name) {
        console.log('name', name || 'stan');

function MyOtherClass(foo, bar) {
    console.log('foo', foo);
    console.log('bar', bar);

MyOtherClass.prototype = {
    something: function(name) {
        console.log('name', name || 'smith');

Calling a Function


reflekt.call(myFunc, { foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });


foo duck
bar sauce

Calling a Function Using the Resolver


reflekt.call('myFunc', { myFunc: myFunc, foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });


foo duck
bar sauce

Calling a Function and Overriding Argument Names


reflekt.call([ 'bar', 'bar', myFunc ], { bar: 'ducks' });


foo ducks
bar ducks

Calling Multiple Functions Using the Same Resolver


var myCaller = reflekt.caller({ foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });


foo duck
bar sauce
foo duck
bar sauce

Constructing an Object


var myInstance = reflekt.construct(MyClass, { foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });
console.log(myInstance instanceof MyClass);


foo duck
bar sauce
name stan

Constructing an Object Using the Resolver


var myInstance = reflekt.construct('MyClass', { MyClass: MyClass, foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });


foo duck
bar sauce

Constructing Multiple Objects with the Same Resolver


var myConstructor = reflekt.constructor({ foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });
var myInstance = myConstructor(MyClass);
var myOtherInstance = myConstructor(MyOtherClass);


foo duck
bar sauce
foo duck
bar sauce

Constructing the Same Object Multiple Times Using the Resolver


var myConstructor = reflekt.constructor({ MyClass: MyClass, foo: 'duck', bar: 'sauce' });
var myInstance = myConstructor('MyClass');
var myOtherInstance = myConstructor('MyClass');


foo duck
bar sauce
foo duck
bar sauce

API Reference


reflekt.ObjectResolver() ⇒ function

creates a new ObjectResolver

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: function - the created ObjectResolver. see ObjectResolver~resolve.
Params: Object [items] - the items to initially store when creating the ObjectResolver

ObjectResolver~resolve(name) ⇒ Object | undefined

attempts to resolve an item with the given name.

 NOTE: the ObjectResolver is callable directly, which is an alias to this function.

Kind: inner method of ObjectResolver
Returns: Object | undefined - the resolved item, or undefined if it was not found

Param Type Description
name String the name of the item to add

ObjectResolver~add(name, [value], [lifetime])

adds an item using the given name, value and lifetime

Kind: inner method of ObjectResolver

Param Type Description
name String | Object the name of the item to add. if an object is passed all items will be added
[value] Object the value of the item to store
[lifetime] Integer how many times the item can be resolved before being removed automatically

ObjectResolver~get(name) ⇒ Object | undefined

attempts to resolve an item with the given name.

 NOTE: the ObjectResolver is callable directly, which is an alias to this function.

Kind: inner method of ObjectResolver
Returns: Object | undefined - the resolved item, or undefined if it was not found

Param Type Description
name String the name of the item to add

ObjectResolver~has(name) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the item exists in the resolver

Kind: inner method of ObjectResolver
Returns: Boolean - true if the ObjectResolver has the item, false otherwise

Param Type Description
name String the name of the item to check


removes an item with the given name from the ObjectResolver

Kind: inner method of ObjectResolver

Param Type Description
name String | Array the name(s) of the item to remove

ObjectResolver~set(name, [value], [lifetime])

adds an item using the given name, value and lifetime

Kind: inner method of ObjectResolver

Param Type Description
name String | Object the name of the item to add. if an object is passed all items will be added
[value] Object the value of the item to store
[lifetime] Integer how many times the item can be resolved before being removed automatically

reflekt.any(items, callback) ⇒ Boolean

calls the callback on each item in the array, stopping when the first callback returns true

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if any calls return true, or false otherwise

Param Type Description
items Array the items to call the callback with
callback function the function to call with each item

reflekt.call(fn, [resolver], [context]) ⇒ Object

calls the function using the given resolver and context

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Object - the result of the function call

Param Type Description
fn function | String | Array the function to call
[resolver] function | Object the resolver to use to resolve the function's arguments
[context] Object the context to call the function in

reflekt.caller([resolver]) ⇒ function

creates a function that takes a function/string and a context, calling the function in the given context using the given resolver

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: function - the function that calls other functions

Param Type Description
[resolver] function | Object | Array the resolver to use to resolve the function's arguments

reflekt.construct(klass, [resolver], [context]) ⇒ Object

constructs a new copy of the given klass using the given resolver and context

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Object - the result of the call to the class constructor

Param Type Description
klass function | String the object to construct a new copy of
[resolver] function | Object | Array the resolver to use to resolve the class constructor's arguments
[context] Object the context to call the class constructor in

reflekt.constructor([resolver]) ⇒ function

creates a function that takes a class and context, creating a new copy of the class in the given context using the given resolver

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: function - the function that constructs other objects

Param Type Description
[resolver] function | Object | Array the resolver to use to resolve the class constructor's arguments

reflekt.decorate(fn, [resolver], [context]) ⇒ Object

creates a function that calls the given function using the given resolver in the given context

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Object - a function that takes no arguments and returns the result of calling the given function

Param Type Description
fn function | String the function to resolve the arguments for
[resolver] function | Object | Array the resolver to use to resolve the function's arguments
[context] Object the context to call the function in

reflekt.every(items, callback) ⇒ Boolean

calls the callback on each item in the array

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if all calls return true, or false otherwise

Param Type Description
items Array the items to call the callback with
callback function the function to call with each item

reflekt.has(fn, args, [allOrNone]) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the given function has the given argument(s)

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if the argument(s) are found in the function signature, false otherwise

Param Type Description
fn function the function to check
args String | Array the args to check
[allOrNone] Boolean if true, all args given must be present. if false, any of the args may be present. the default is true.

reflekt.injections(fn, [resolver]) ⇒ Array

resolves the function's arguments using the given resolver

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Array - the functions resolved arguments, in order of appearance in the function's signature

Param Type Description
fn function | String | Array the function to resolve the arguments for
[resolver] function | Object | Array the resolver(s) to use to resolve the function's arguments

reflekt.isKind(item, kind) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the given item is of the given type by calling Object.toString on the item and doing an comparison between the result and the given kind

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if the item is of the same type, false otherwise

Param Type Description
item Object the item to check the type of
kind String the type expected, in the form of '[object Object]'

reflekt.isArray(item) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the given item is an array

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if the item is an array, false otherwise

Param Type Description
item Object the item to check the type of

reflekt.isBoolean(item) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the given item is a boolean

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if the item is a boolean, false otherwise

Param Type Description
item Object the item to check the type of

reflekt.isObject(item) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the given item is an object

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if the item is an object, false otherwise

Param Type Description
item Object the item to check the type of

reflekt.isString(item) ⇒ Boolean

checks if the given item is a string

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Boolean - true if the item is a string, false otherwise

Param Type Description
item Object the item to check the type of

reflekt.parse(fn) ⇒ Array

parses the function's arguments, returning an array of the arguments found

Kind: static method of reflekt
Returns: Array - the functions arguments, in order of appearance in the function's signature

Param Type Description
fn function | String the function to parse the arguments for
