Welcome to the Monday replica repository!
This is a full stack application built with Vue3 JS && Vuex for the front end and Node.js for the backend.
The application uses Atlas DB to store data and is hosted on https://someday.onrender.com.
To get started with the app, simply go to https://someday.onrender.com and sign up for an account.
You can also use the demo mode to get a feel for the app without creating an account.
Once you're logged in (as user or guest), you'll be taken to the main table page,
where you can create, view, and edit both tasks and groups in each board.
Our app also supports Kanban view as well as Dashboard where you can get a quick overview of your tasks and progress.
In addition, Someday also offers the ability to attach images to tasks using the Cloudinary service,
making it easy to add visual details to your tasks.
Someday is an open source project that was created for educational purposes as part of a coding bootcamp. It is not a real app and is not intended for commercial use. By using Someday, you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of the creators of these assets and designs. Please contact the original creators if you have any questions or concerns.