
Primary LanguageSolidity


FlashSwap is a smartcontract to make flashswaps with Uniswap. This mechanism allows you to make a swap if you only have enough money just to pay the fee.


This contract takes addresses of the UniswapRouter and UnswapFactory during deploy, and provides method startFlashLoan to run flashswaps


constructor(address factory, address router) public;

You can use your own Router and Factory or get actual address for default networks below:

UniswapV2Router02: 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D

UniswapV2Factory: 0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f


function startFlashLoan(uint amountIn, address[] memory path, address baseToken) external;

This method borrows tokens from uniswapPair, makes swap with Router, returns loans back and sends balance after deduction to the msg.sender.

  • amountIn — amount of tokens that will be borrowed.
  • path — an array of token addresses between which the swap will be performed in turn. First and last addresses must be the same to make a looped swap. Contract saves it to a private attribute _path to read it in the method uniswapV2Call that will be called next. You can pass it using data argument instead of an attribute, if you need it. data is a bytes type therefore if you want to pass addresses as an argument you need a library to convert list of addresses to bytes and vice versa. You can read about this here.
  • baseToken — an address of a token that creates a liquidity containing pair with path[0] token. This token must not be in a path array, because UniswapPair doesn't allow to call swap method while some other swap is incomplete.


Install dependencies of the package.json:

npm i -D

Create config

Use .env as a local config to set private options manually:

Don't commit it to git! (keep it secret)

cp .env.template .env

You should also register at Infura and create new project there.

After that set your Infura Project ID (from project settings) to .env


To run any script enter:

npx hardhat run path/to/script.ts --network network_name

Generate a wallet

Use the script to generate a new wallet with it's own private key and address:

npx hardhat run scripts/0_create_new_wallet.ts

Copy generated private key (or your own private key) to .env config on the corresponding line.

Add some ETH to address of this wallet. For this you can use any faucet for your network. For example faucet.kovan.network

Deploy the FlashSwap contract

A script to deploy the FlashSwap contract and to get it's address:

npx hardhat run scripts/1_deploy_flashswap.ts --network kovan

Run tests

Hardhat allows you to execute tests in it's own network, but due to the fact that you need to interact with Uniswap, you should run it in a network where the Uniswap is. For example - Kovan.

npx hardhat test test/FlashSwap.ts --network kovan