Aggregator for finding the best borrowing rate
- Gas optimzed AaveV3 wrapper buit with Huff
- BorrowFi Aggregator for single entry point to all lending protocols
- New ERC standard for borrowing
- Node.js >= 15
- yarn and npm >= 7
- foundry
Install dependencies
cd contracts && forge install
# If `forge install` doesn't work correctly, try the following command for each .gitmodules in contracts directory.
# e.g forge install
Each package has its own README. See the following links for more details.
yarn build # build all packages
yarn build:contracts # build contracts
yarn build:ts # build typescript packages
yarn test # run all tests
yarn lint:check # run all linters
yarn lint:fix # run all linters
For all deployments, we used an address "0x777708eD0dA60151731363f36C14218005Bce4d1" to submit transactions.
- BorrowFiAggregator
- AaveV3Market (borrowing wrapper for AaveV3)
- MockLendingProtocol (borrowing wrapper for MockERC20)
- BorrowFiAggregator
- AaveV3Market (borrowing wrapper for AaveV3)
- MockLendingProtocol (borrowing wrapper for MockERC20)
- BorrowFiAggregator
- AaveV3Market (borrowing wrapper for AaveV3)
- MockLendingProtocol (borrowing wrapper for MockERC20)
- BorrowFiAggregator
- AaveV3Market (borrowing wrapper for AaveV3)
- MockLendingProtocol (borrowing wrapper for MockERC20)