The Budget Hobo allows the user to set up a budget, download your bank transactions, and view your budget performance.
- Local Host
- Description
- Technologies
- Challenges and Solutions
- Our Stretch Goals
- Authors
The Budget Hobo allows the user to set up a budget, download your bank transactions, and view your budget performance.
Click on the “Profile” link and the Basic Info
panel will be displayed. Enter your User Name, Email, and password twice.
Click on Save to save or cancel to abort.
Click on Choose File to select a file from your local drive to add an image to your profile. Click on Submit to save your image.
Enter the amount you want to budget and click on "calculate" and your total Balance and Total Budget will auto-fill. As expenses come in, enter or select your expense category. Enter your expense amount and click on add expense, your total expense will increase and your Total Balance will decrease.
Click on the Dashboard to get a snapshot of your budget, transactions, and bank accounts. Graphs are available for a graphical view of your spending and budget categories.
Click on connect to bank to use your bank credetials to log in to your bank.
- HTML - page layout and design
- CSS - page layout and design
- Bootstrap - page layout and design
- Fontawesome - page layout and design
- JavaScript - program functions
- JQuery - Budget and Graphs, API
- Node.js/Express - app generator, API
- Plaid - API, Secured Institution connection
- Git & GitHub
- Budget set up
- Initial Layout
- Transaction and account balance API
- Quick Budget Set Up
- Budget vs. Actual
- Increase database
- Income API
- Brandon Hernandez
- Khanh Vu
- Brian Lafuente
- Ron Fletcher