Bucket-based Compression of Bacterial Genome Sequencing Data with Dynamic de Bruijn Graph

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BdBG - BdBG: a bucket-based method for compressing genome sequencing data with dynamic de Bruijn graphs.

BdBG, a new alignment-free and reference-free compression of FASTQ sequences stream, the method is based on the concept of bucketing similar reads into the same bucket and compressing reads in each bucket individually by a dynamic de Bruijn graph. Experimental results on eight different genome and transcriptome sequencing datasets testified the compression performance of BdBG is better than that of GZIP, LEON and MINCE, with improvements of up to 83%, 81%, and 52%, respectively.

Downloading datasets

Dataset ID & direct link

ERR1147042	ftp://ftp.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ddbj_database/dra/sralite/ByExp/litesra/ERX/ERX122/ERX1225844/ERR1147042
ERR034088	ftp://ftp.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ddbj_database/dra/sralite/ByExp/litesra/ERX/ERX012/ERX012615/ERR034088
SRR554369	ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR554/SRR554369
SRR959239	ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR959/SRR959239
ERR418881	ftp://ftp.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/ddbj_database/dra/sralite/ByExp/litesra/ERX/ERX385/ERX385178/ERR418881
MH0001.081026	http://public.genomics.org.cn/BGI/gutmeta/High_quality_reads/MH0001/081026/MH0001_081026_clean.1.fq.gz
SRR327342	ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR327/SRR327342
SRR037452	ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR037/SRR037452


This is a step by step instruction for installing the BdBG for python 2.7*.

Requirements for python modules & versions

  • screed >= 1.0
  • bitstring >= 3.1.5
  • bitstream >= 2.5.4
  • bitio >= 0.2

Requirements for text compression tool & version

  • plzip >= 0.9

Command to install

pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install plzip


Sequence data stream compression using BdBG is a 2 stage process, consisting of bucket and de Bruijn raph subprograms in chain. However, to decompress the DNA stream, only de Bruijn graph is needed.

BdBG OutPut

BdBG first performs reading bucket, output streams contains five files:

  • *.index.lz: bucktes index stream;
  • *.cov.lz: the number of reads in the buckets;
  • *.indexPos.lz: the bucket index positons in each read;
  • *.rc: whether the read in forward or in reverse-complement direction;
  • *.N.lz: the characters "N" postions and length in the reads.

Then, BdBG encodes the read as a path in the dynamic de Bruijn graph in each bucket independently. output streams contains five files:

  • *.bifurL: the read left bifurcation path from the beginning 'anchor' k-mer;
  • *.bifurR: the read right bifurcation path from the beginning 'anchor' k-mer;
  • *.firSeq.lz: the first read in each bucket;
  • *.numFlag.lz: the New node position flags in the bifuraction list.
  • *.order.lz: reserve the raw read orders for paired-end reads. it is a option parameter '-l' for single-end reads, defaut:false.

Command line

BdBG.py is run from the command prompt:

python BdBG.py <-e|-d> [options]

in one of the two modes:

  • -e - encoding,
  • -d - decoding,

with available options:

  • -i<file> - input.fastq file,
  • -o<f> - output files prefix,
  • -p - paired-end file flag,
  • -1<file> - input_1.fastq file,
  • -2<file> - input_2.fastq file,
  • -l - lossless encode the read, means keep the reads order, default:false, if encode paired-end files, default:ture,
  • -k<n> - k-mer size, default: 15,
  • -v - verbose mode, default: false.


Encode single-end reads with test.fastq file, output with prefix encode_test:

python BdBG.py -e -i test.fastq -o encode_test

Encode single-end reads with test.fastq file and keep the raw read orders, output with prefix encode_test:

python BdBG.py -e -l -i test.fastq -o encode_test

Encode paired-end reads with test_1.fastq file and test_2.fastq file, output with prefix encode_test:

python BdBG.py -e -p -1 test_1.fastq -2 test_2.fastq -o encode_test 

Decode reads from output prefix encode_test files and save the DNA reads with prefix decode_test.

python BdBG.py -d -i encode_test -o decod_test

Verify the compress & decompress correctness

For verify the correctness, first extarct dna sequence from fastq file, by using the file ./scripts/extract_dna_from_fastq.sh.

sh ./scripts/extract_dna_from_fastq.sh input.fastq input.dna 

Then, sort the input.dna and output.dna. Last, check the difference beween input.dna and output.dna.

sort input.dna > sorted_input.dna
sort ouput.dna > sorted_output.dna
diff sorted_input.dna sorted_output.dna

If compress the raw sequence with parameter '-l', which means to unchange the reads order, you can compare the input.dna and output.dna directly.

diff input.dna output.dna

If there nothing out in creeen with shell command diff, proof that the compresstion & decompression process is correct.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


The code of BdBG was based in part on the source code of the Arithmetic package Nayuki, 2016.


If you have any question, please contact the author rjwang.hit@gmail.com