
A Hacker News client written in React Native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Build Status

React Native Hacker News

A modern cross-platform HackerNews client built on React Native


The app currently has the following functionality:

  • Headlines - Top, New, Show, Ask, Jobs
  • Touching a headline takes you to a comments view
  • Lazy loading data, loading views
  • Pull to refresh

Technologies Used

  • React Native
  • Redux for state management
  • Redux Observable, RxJS for side effects handling
  • Reselect for memoized selectors
  • HackerNews API

Dev Tooling

  • Eslint for linting
  • Prettier, lint-staged for code formatting
  • React storybook for UI development & testing

How to run

  1. Install node, yarn

  2. Install dependencies

  3. Run project using expo

    yarn start

UI development / testing using storybook

  • After installing dependencies by running yarn,

    yarn storybook:ios


    yarn storybook:android

to start a storybook at http://localhost:7007/