
MWC Demo - Crypto Currency Miner - Web interface

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cluster Crypto Miner - Web UI & metrics

Project sponsored by Kontron

Project Lead and related articles by Samuel Cozannet

What is this ?

This small demo aims to provides a simple dummy web interface allowing to visualize live data about crypto currency mining made on Kontron hardware, mining adaptative to hardware load (cpu).

This app has been made to run in a Kubernetes cluster, even if nothing abides you from running it somewhere else, no code change required. The /metrics url is related to Prometheus / Kubernetes.

On top of the dummy index page, this app provides prometheus metrics that allow for inverse CPU/Memory load calculation. Exposed metrics are useful if you want to use Kubernetes Horizontal Load Balancing to scale apps based on remaining CPU capacity of the cluster.

This small project is not production grade and is only made for Mobile World Congress to demo.


Python script usage (dev mode)

bin/crypto-miner-webui <MY_WALLET_ID>

Run using gunicorn

First set required ENV variable (see below), then :

gunicorn -b --access-logfile - --error-logfile - crypto_miner_webui.web:app



Docker Build and Run

docker build . -t mwc-miner-metrics:latest

docker run -p 5050:5050 -e WALLET_ID=<MY_WALLET_ID> mwc-miner-metrics.web:latest

Finally go to http://localhost:5050/

Env variables

Index page related

  • WALLET_ID - public wallet key to display wallet data on index page
  • WALLET_API_URL - default to https://etn.spacepools.org/api/stats_address, url of the mining pool API. etn.spacepools.org is used by default.

Kubernetes / Prometheus Metrics related

  • EXCLUDE_POD_NAMESPACES - exlude pod namespaces from computed Prometheus CPU/Memory metrics.
  • LOAD_INCLUSTER_CONFIG - If set ('ON' or any value), the kubernetes config will be loaded from incluster in opposition to default config load method (load_kube_config / load_incluster_config).
  • GRAFANA_SERVICE_HOST - If set to existing grafana host, displays grafana graph in a section on dashboard.
  • GRAFANA_SERVICE_PORT - If set to existing grafana port, displays grafana graph in a section on dashboard.
  • GRAFANA_GRAPH_ID - If set to existing grafana id, displays grafana graph in a section on dashboard.


This client can be used on Linux, OSX systems, or Windows.

This libraries are compatibles with Python 2.7+ and Python 3.X.

Mainly tested on 2.7 and 3.6.

Author and Licence

Project url : https://github.com/ronhanson/python-crypto-miner-webui

Copyright © 2018 Ronan Delacroix

This program is released under MIT Licence. Feel free to use it or part of it anywhere you want.