
Set of classes for grabbing digital cinema documents in xml format and loading them into nice python objects.

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status


Set of classes for grabbing digital cinema documents in xml format and loading them into nice python objects.


**Prerequisites: **

  • Python 2.6.x (2.7.x should work though)
  • pip

After grabbing the code run the following to install any dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The FLMX suite is used to create objects from FLM-x feeds, as specified on the FLM-x Homepage.


Typical usage

To parse a non-protected site-list XML file, and then fetch all keys for all cinemas that its constituent FLM files contain, do the following:

from smpteparsers import flmx

facilities = flmx.parse(u'http://example.com/FLMX.xml')

for facility in facilities:
    screen_keys = facility.get_certificates()

# can expect to see: {'screen 1', 'ABC123', ....}

where facility is a Facility object, as defined in facility.py. Facility contains a variety of member variables to help you access any of the data contained within it.

Other options

To parse and manipulate the sitelist on its own, you must instead use the SiteListParser object, or if you already have an FLM file, you can use the FacilityParser object.

Please refer to the full documentation for all details on the composition of these classes and objects.


Full documentation is provided with Sphinx. To generate the documentation using a commmand prompt or terminal, navigate to /doc/, and then call make html. Sphinx provides many other formats to build in (by calling make followed by a keyword), including text, latex, man and more. Please see the Sphinx website for more suggestions. The documentation can then be viewed by navigating to /doc/_build/html, and then opening index.html


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