CSSharpUtils is an extension library for CounterStrikeSharp that simplifies player management, message formatting, configuration updates, and more. It provides a set of extensions and utilities to enhance the development experience for CounterStrikeSharp game mods.
- Config: Simplifies the process of updating and managing plugin configurations by automatically handling version updates and serialization.
- Player: Offers methods for common player actions such as kicking, moving to a team, setting armor, and getting the eye position.
- GameRules: Enhances game rule interactions, including calculating the remaining time in the current round.
- Chat: Provides methods for formatting chat messages with predefined color codes and sending messages to specific teams.
- CsTeam: Utilities for team management, including counting players, alive players, combined health, and selecting random teams.
- Game: Contains methods for managing game states such as starting and ending warmup, pausing, and unpausing matches, and retrieving game rules.
- Server: Utilities for retrieving server information such as the IP.
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
public override void Load(bool hotReload)
// initialize the utils (needed for access to timers)
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
// updates the config file on disk if the version is outdated
// reloads the config file from disk
OnConfigParsed(new MyPluginConfig().Reload());
// get the plugin config path
Console.WriteLine($"Config path: {ConfigExtensions.ConfigPath}");
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
// this is true for connected, valid, human players
if (!playerController.IsPlayer())
// name and clan tag
playerController.SetClantag(); // removes the clantag
// setting armor + helmet, not heavy
playerController.SetArmor(100, true, false);
// setting health
playerController.SetHealth(69); // sets health to 69
playerController.SetHealth(420); // sets health to 420
playerController.SetHealth(1337, false); // sets health to 100 (clamped)
// setting money
// checking for permission
// freeze and unfreeze the player
// NOTE: CS2 does not display the kick message to the player
playerController.Kick("You have been kicked.");
var EyePos = playerController.GetEyePosition();
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
var gameRules = GameUtils.GetGameRules(); // this should be cached appropriately
var remainingRoundTime = gameRules.GetRemainingRoundTime();
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
var message = "Hello {LightBlue}World."
player.PrintToChat(ChatUtils.FormatMessage(message)); // will print "Hello World" as a colored message
player.PrintToChat(ChatUtils.CleanMessage(message)); // will print "Hello World" in full white
// Send a message to all players in the Terrorist team
ChatUtils.PrintToTeam(CsTeam.Terrorist, "This message is for Terrorists only.");
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
// Get the number of alive players in the Counter-Terrorist team
int aliveCTs = CsTeamUtils.GetAlivePlayerCount(CsTeam.CounterTerrorist);
Console.WriteLine($"Alive Counter-Terrorists: {aliveCTs}");
// Select a random team
CsTeam randomTeam = CsTeamUtils.GetRandomTeam();
Console.WriteLine($"Randomly selected team: {randomTeam}");
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
// Start a warmup period of 30 seconds
// End the warmup
GameUtils.EndWarmup(10); // in 10 seconds
GameUtils.EndWarmup(); // immediately
// Pause the match
// Unpause the match
// Retrieve the current game rules
var gameRules = GameUtils.GetGameRules();
if (gameRules != null)
Console.WriteLine("Game rules retrieved.");
Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve game rules.");
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
Console.WriteLine($"Server IP: {ServerUtils.GetServerIp()}");