
The BnF() Class represents a python version of BnF Ms 640. A static object within this class complete_manuscript contains every manuscript. Any other instantiation of the class holds a subset of these entries.

Entries have their own class, Recipe(), which formats each entry and parses out specific features.

When BnF() is defined, complete_manuscript is instantiated, which calls a function in manuscript helpers to generate the complete manuscript. The manuscript object, which is positioned in the same directory as the manuscript data, opens each file in /ms-xml/ for each version, and conscripts an entry object with it. These entry objects are held in a list called entries, and sorted.


  1. If you do not have python3 downloaded on your machine, download it with brew.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor

If brew is already installed, make sure it is up to date:

brew update     #Updates homebrew and recipes
brew upgrade    #Updates packages

Then run,

brew install python3 git pipenv
  1. Run
git clone
git clone

Then, cd manuscript object

  1. Run pipenv install to install dependencies to the pipenv shell.

  2. To enter the pipenv shell, run pipenv shell. To exit, press ^D or type exit. Inside the pipenv shell, all outside dependencies for the repository are installed.