
A Crumb Usable providing terminal styling and RGB, HEX and ANSI conversion functions.

Primary LanguageShell


colors.crumb is a Crumb usable providing basic terminal styling functions as well as access to RGB, HEX, ANSI conversion functions.

Styling can be applied to strings and also to strings within lists.


  1. Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ronilan/colors.crumb/main/colors.crumb
  2. Place it in your Crumb project. (see: Crumb Template for an easy starter.)
  3. Use it.


This code:

(use "./colors.crumb" {
  // loop forever
  (until "stop" {state n ->
    // print random slash with random color
    c = (add 16 (remainder (integer (add n (multiply (random) 100))) 216))
    (print (if (integer (add (random) 0.5)) {<- (color c "╱")} {<- (color c "╲")}))

    // wait to slow down animation
    (wait 0.001)

will produce the following:

This code:

(use "./colors.crumb" {
  (loop 100 {i -> 
    i = (add i 1)
    (if (is (remainder i 15) 0) {
      (print (bold (color 88 (background 220 "fizzbuzz"))) "\n")
    } {
      (if (is (remainder i 3) 0) {
        (print (color 36 "fizz") "\n")
      } {
        (if (is (remainder i 5) 0) {
          (print (color "#88ddff" "buzz") "\n")
        } {
          (print (color (list 255 0 127) (string i)) "\n")

will produce the following:

This code:

(use "./colors.crumb" {

  (print "\e[H\e[2J")
  (print "Specify color in ANSI, Hex, RGB:\n")
    (print "  " (color 208 "208")  "\n")
    (print "  " (color "#dd9900" "#dd9900")  "\n")
    (print "  " (color (list 221 153 0) "(list 221, 153, 0)") "\n\n")

  (print "Specify background in ANSI, Hex, RGB:\n")
    (print "  " (background 208 "208")  "\n")
    (print "  " (background "#dd9900" "#dd9900")  "\n")
    (print "  " (background (list 221 153 0) "(list 221, 153, 0)") "\n\n")

  (print "Use both:\n")
    (print "  " (color "#ddff00" (background 208 "208")) "\n")
    (print "  " (color "#ddff00" (background "#dd9900" "#dd9900")) "\n")
    (print "  " (color "#ddff00" (background (list 221 153 0) "(list 221, 153, 0)")) "\n\n")

  (print "Use other styling:\n")
    (print "  " (bold "bold") "\n")
    (print "  " (faint "faint") "\n")
    (print "  " (underline "underline") "\n")
    (print "  " (inverse "inverse") "\n\n")

      "  " 
      (background 166 (underline "Crumb:")) 
      (color "#999999" "a programming language that is") 
      (bold (color "#ff00dd" "simple,")) 
      (bold (color "#00ffdd" "not easy.")) 


Will produce the following:

Running Examples

With Docker:


docker build -t colors.crumb git@github.com:ronilan/colors.crumb.git#main


docker run --rm -it colors.crumb

Or "all in one":

docker run --rm -it $(docker build -q git@github.com:ronilan/colors.crumb.git#main)

Then in the shell:

./crumb examples/demo.crumb


Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:ronilan/colors.crumb.git

CD into directory:

cd colors.crumb

Build Crumb interpreter:

chmod +x build-crumb.sh && ./build-crumb.sh


./crumb examples/10-print.crumb



  • (color def str)

    • Returns str wrapped in color escape codes calculated from def.
    • def can be of a any type. Number is assumed ANSI code. String is assumed HEX value. List is assumed RGB.
    • def: integer, string, list.
    • str: string
  • (background def str)

    • Returns str wrapped in background escape codes calculated from def.
    • def can be of a any type. Number is assumed ANSI code. String is assumed HEX value. List is assumed RGB.
    • def: integer, string, list.
    • str: string
  • (bold str)

    • Returns str wrapped in bold escape codes.
    • str: string
  • (underline str)

    • Returns str wrapped in underline escape codes.
    • str: string
  • (faint str)

    • Returns str wrapped in faint escape codes.
    • str: string
  • (inverse str)

    • Returns str wrapped in inverse escape codes.
    • str: string

Color Definition Conversion

  • (hex_to_ansi_8 str)

    • Returns integer ANSI color number most closely matching the HEX color definition.
    • str: string
  • (ansi_8_to_hex num)

    • Returns string HEX color definition matching the ANSI color number.
    • num: integer
  • (rgb_to_ansi_8 arr)

    • Returns integer ANSI color number most closely matching the RGB color definition.
    • arr: list
  • (ansi_8_to_rgb num)

    • Returns list RGB color definition (three numbers between 0 and 255) matching the ANSI color number.
    • num: integer
  • (rgb_to_hex arr)

    • Returns string HEX color definition matching the RGB color definition.
    • arr: list
  • (hex_to_rgb str)

    • Returns list RGB color definition (three numbers between 0 and 255) matching the HEX color definition.
    • str: string

Base Conversions

  • (base_10_to_16 num)

    • Returns a string representation of num in base 16.
    • num: integer
  • (base_10_to_6 num)

    • Returns a string representation of num in base 6.
    • num: integer
  • (base_10_to_2 num)

    • Returns a string representation of num in base 2.
    • num: integer
  • (base_10_to_other num base)

    • Returns a string representation of num in base. base must be in range 2 to 16.
    • num: integer, base: integer
  • (base_16_to_10 str)

    • Returns an integer derived from str in base 16.
    • str: string
  • (base_other_to_10 str base)

    • Returns an integer derived from str in base. base must be in range 2 to 16.
    • str: string, base: integer


  • (ansi_from_color_definition def)

    • ANSI color calculated from def.
    • def can be of a any type. Number is assumed ANSI code. String is assumed HEX value. List is assumed RGB.
    • def: integer, string, list.
    • str: string
  • (hex_char_to_dec str)

    • Returns an integer derived from str in base 16.
    • str: string
  • (dec_to_hex_char num)

    • Returns a string representation of num in base 16.
    • num: integer

String Utility

  • (string_to_list str)

    • Returns list containing each character of the string.
    • str: string
  • (list_to_string arr)

    • Returns string a reduction of the array.
    • arr: list
  • (string_reverse str)

    • Returns str reversed.
    • str: string
  • (string_pad_start str length char)

    • Returns str of length count padded at the start with char as many times as needed.
    • str: string
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