
A simple custom storage adapter to add Cloudflare R2 object storage support for Ghost thougth S3 API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ghost Cloudflare R2 Storage Adapter

A simple custom storage adapter to add Cloudflare R2 object storage support for Ghost through S3 API.


Create a storage directory inside your Ghost installation's content/adapters/storage folder.

mkdir /path/your/ghost/installation/content/adapters/storage

Using NPM

  • Install the package.
    cd /path/your/ghost/installation/content/adapters/storage
    npm install ghost-cloudflare-r2-storage
  • Go to configuration section and configure the adapter.

Using Git

  • Clone the repository.
    cd /path/your/ghost/installation/content/adapters/storage
    git clone https://github.com/ronilsonalves/ghost-cloudflare-r2-storage.git
  • Cd to the cloned repository and install the dependencies.
    cd ghost-cloudflare-r2-storage
    npm install --production
  • Go to configuration section and configure the adapter.


Add the storage json object to your config.env.json's Ghost installation.

"storage": {
    "active": "ghost-cloudflare-r2-storage",
    "ghost-cloudflare-r2-storage": {
        "bucket": "<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>",
        "endpoint": "<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com",
        "accessKeyId": "<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
        "secretAccessKey": "<YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
        "publicDomain": "https://subdomaintohostfiles.yourdomain.com"

Just replace the values with your own and restart Ghost.

ghost restart

Note 1: The publicDomain is required, if you don't provide it, the adapter will use the endpoint value that isn't public accessible and will cause the images to not load.

Note 2: Don't add the https:// to the endpoint value.

Note 3: Don't add at the end of the endpoint and publicDomain value the / character.


Q: I'm facing a permission error when I try to restart Ghost after configure the adapter. What should I do?

A: Problably during the installation you used sudo to install the adapter, so the files are owned by root. To fix this, just change the owner of the files to the user that runs Ghost.

sudo chown -R ghost:ghost /path/your/ghost/installation/content/adapters/storage/ghost-cloudflare-r2-storage

Or you can use the ghost-cli to fix the permissions. Just run the command below inside your Ghost installation directory and follow the provided instructions. Note: Ensure that you have stopped Ghost before run the command.

ghost doctor


Please see the license file for more information.