
This is a simple Django project. This application demos simple CRUD with Django 2.2 and Postgres on Ubuntu 18 operating system.

Primary LanguagePython

Main Purpose: Main purpose of this project is to show how to simple crud works in Django. We are using following software:

Django 2.2

Operating System: 

Ubuntu 18

In order to get it to work - you will need to install Postgres on your Ubuntu server You will need to create a database (free to name whatever you want). Once your database is up and running, you will need to set django project's setting. In our cash Django Project is called oscarecom and application is called lswebapi.

Settings.py file exists in oscarecom/oscarecom/settings.py

Set the host (IP address / Cname) under ALLOWED_HOSTS


Put your database information here:

   	'default': {
    	'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
    	'NAME': '',
	'USER': '',
	'PASSWORD': '',

You can access the application by browsing to http://<YOUR IP ADDRESS / CNAME>/

Let me know if you have any questions/feedback