
A Hugo theme

Primary LanguageHTML

Gemini theme for hugo

Gemini is a clear and responsive theme for hugo. Ported from Pinghsu Theme, a Typecho theme.




cd ~/path/themes
git clone https://github.com/mjyi/Gemini.git



baseurl = "https://mjyi.github.io/Gemini/"
title = "Hugo Theme Gemini"
canonifyurls = true
paginate = 3
languageCode = "en-us"
MetaDataFormat = "yaml"
theme = "Gemini"
googleAnalytics = "" # delete or comment to disable Google Analytics JS generation
disqusShortname = "mjyi-io" #delete or comment to disable Disqus comments

  Keywords = ""
  Author = "Gemini"
  recentPostCount = 7
  intro = ["I am a iOS Developer", "Work in Hangzhou"]

  title = "Email"
  url = "mailto:itxuz@itxuz.com"
  title = "Github"
  url = "https://github.com/mjyi"
  title = "RSS"
  url = "" #default index.xml

  name = "Archives"
  url = "/post/"
  weight = -200
  name = "Tags"
  url = "/tags/"
  weight = -180
  name = "About"
  url = "/about"
  weight = -160

Post Detail Configuration

in archetypes/post.md

tags = ""
categories = ""
image = "/images/thumbs/0.jpg" #set a picture, or randomly select one in the folder images/thumbs
draft = true
comments = true
toc = true
author = ""
author_url = ""