
Generation of simulated high energy collisions data using MadGraph

Primary LanguageC

Simulation of high energy collisions

Generation of simulated high energy collisions data using MadGraph (hard scattering), Pythia (showering) and Delphes (detector fast simulation). This requires to have ROOT installed.

Note: MG v2.6.7 is used to exploit a plugin implementing initial state radiations, which is not released in MG today (02/21). This plugin doesn't work with current latest version v2.9.2.

Setup using MG v2.6.7

Note: the file setup.sh must be adapted to your setup to have a ROOT version compatible with Delphes.

  1. Download MadGraph and untar the archive as MG5_aMC/:
wget https://launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo/2.0/2.6.x/+download/MG5_aMC_v2.6.7.tar.gz
tar -xvzf MG5_aMC_v2.6.7.tar.gz
mv MG5_aMC_v2_6_7/ MG5_aMC

In order to have the initial state radiations accounted for electrons-positrons collisions, one need to download this plugin MGISR and put it in MG5_aMC/PLUGIN. Enabling ee ISR is then done through the python interface, described below, at the level of mg.run_proc_dir() function (creating the process directory).

  1. Install needed modules: Pythia and Delphes
cd MG5_aMC/
install pythia8
install Delphes

Note: the Delphes compilation might fail if the installed ROOT version is not compatible. In that case, a compatible version of ROOT must be installed and Delphes can be compiled by hand, doing:

cd Delphes
  1. Compile the display library of Delphes and produce libDelphesDisplay.so, to enable event display.
cd Delphes
make display
  1. Data analysis and event display: link/load the required libraries
cd analysis
ln -s ../MG5_aMC/Delphes/libDelphesDisplay.so .


The workflow consists in first generating the process setup (directory) with MadGraph using a "process card". Then, the showering of events is performed with Pythia and the detector simulation is ran with Delphes. A ROOT file is then produced which contains different collections of objects. This ROOT file can be used to get event display or directly distributions.

Generate events for a process

A python interface is designed to ease the event generation, based on the MadGraph syntax. An example is featuring how to generate p p -> t tbar and mu mu -> t tbar using this python interface. There are two classes, but the first one is not mandatory:

  • collision: initial state (particle, energy, polarization, pdf) and final state, currently only supporting the syntax xx > yy possibly with specified decays (y > zz, y > zz)
  • madgraph: running the actual event generation with several options such as pythia or delphes.

In a nutshell: generate e+e- collision with polarized beams

import generation_handler as gen

# Define collision setup
ee = gen.collision('e+ e-', 't t~', ebeam1='180', ebeam2='180', polbeam1='1', polbeam1='0')

# Get a MadGraph instance
mg = gen.madgraph('../MG5_aMC')

# Generate events, with the proper beam parameters (energy and polarization)
mg.run_proc_dir(proc=ee.mg_proc(), directory='ee_ttbar', eeISR=True)
mg.gen_evts(directory='ee_ttbar', run='run01', params=ee.beam_params())

Analyze parton-level events (LHE format)

Several options are possible using LHE parsers. For low number of events, typically o(10000), one can use this python parser hosted by the scikit-hep project, but for larger samples one can use a go parser hosted by the go-hep project (an example for ttbar -> dilepton final state can be found in this repository, where the executable lhe2root can be ran out-of-the-box for this final state).

Analyze reconstructed-level events, with pythia and delphes enabled

There are two options: the first one is to simply create a code skeleton using

root delphes_events.root
root[0] Delphes->MakeClass()

The second option, a bit less code-verbose, is to use classes provided by Delphes which are automatically loaded if you use this rootlogon.C. An example of such analysis code can be found here.

Inspect event displays, with pythia and delphes enabled

root -l rootlogon.C
root[0] .x EventDisplay.C("../MG5_aMC/Delphes/cards/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl", "delphes_events.root")

Event Display example