RPi-REST is a mimumun functionality REST wrapper for the GPIO library. The hardware is the ultimate definition of pin configuration so the RPiServer.py defines the pin configuration.


Routes are handled by flask. The routes are:


returns the current state of all configured pins as json.


returns the state of


sets to state specified by int:value


On the raspberry pi RPiServer.py handles incomming requests. Requests have a fair amount of validation and return informative fails. Valid requests are passed on to GPIO natively to perform the request. Running the Flask webserver on the raspberry pi is simply:

'sudo python RPiClient.py'

The Client is a simple Python command line program that lets the user enter specific commands (e.g. '23 on' will turn pin 23 on) and makes the REST call to the raspberry pi.

RPiClient-test.py is minimum set of unittests to ensure you have everything wired up. The pins = {} definition should match the definition you are using in RPiServer.py. RPiServer.py should defined the pins based on your specific hardware project. A quick snapshot of the project used to test is below:


Helpful Commands

To install GPIO on your raspberry pi use:

sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio