
Theme for oh-my-zsh

MIT LicenseMIT

Frank - A Simple Theme for Oh-My-Zsh

Theme oh-my-zsh like the cool kids! But be spartan and kind of old school.

What to know

Frank is frankly, frank. Frank keeps to the point, displaying information compactly but readably on a single line. Frank keeps to the facts and only tells you extra things when they are important.

Frank is simple, no line art, no RPROMPTs, no blinkenlights. Just a prompt with some useful data.

Frank depends on the git and git-prompt plugins.

What does Frank tell you?

  • Timestamp - Frank will ell you about when the prior command finished, get some idea of how long that window has been logged in, or simply see what time it is.
  • Username, hostname, and path - Who you are, what planet you're on, and where you are. All in a format that copy-paste friendly for scp, or rcp if you remember that! (You might need to bring the domain name, Frank can be terse.)
  • Git status - If stumble into a Git repository Frank will tell you which branch you are in and the status of the repository. Otherwise he keeps his mouth shut.
  • Exit status - Frank will tell you the exit status of the last comment, iff the status is non-0. If it's 0, what's there to talk about?
  • Got root? - Frank will tell you whether you're root (#) or another user ($)

Timestamp, Git status, Exit Status, and User@Host:Path are angle-bracket '>' delimited.


Here's a little of what how frank looks when:

  • In a directory
  • In a dirty Git repository
  • After a non-zero exit
  • In a clean Git repository

Frank Screenshot


Have fun and do good work with this.
