This is the repository for Ronnie and Sophie's practice website, where they test their coding and web development.
This porject uses a React front end and a Travis-ci pipeline to deploy to Firebase hosting. The website is hosted at:
To run locally you will need to download git and node.js. Then execute the following commands:
git clone
cd Ronnie-Sophie
npm install
Then you can run the app locally using the following command:
npm run start
To contribute you should either fork the respository or create a new branch then make a pull request when you are ready to have the code merged with the master branch. The code will then be reviewed and merged if it is acceptable. If not a comment to why the code cannot be mereged will be left on the pull request.
└─── public
│ │ favicon.ico
│ │ index.html
│ │ manifest.json
└─── scripts
│ │ file021.txt
│ │ file022.txt
└─── src
│ └─── components
│ │ └─── "Component Name"
│ │ │ │ index.jsx
│ │ │ │ "component Name".module.css
│ │ App.css
│ │ App.jsx
│ │ App.test.js
│ │ index.css
│ │ index.jsx
│ │ serviceWorker.js
│ .firebaserc
│ .gitignore
│ .travis.yml
│ package-lock.json
│ package.json
│ yarn.lock