
Learning space

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status GitHub closed issues GitHub closed pull requests GitHub issues GitHub pull requests

This is the repository for Ronnie and Sophie's practice website, where they test their coding and web development.

This porject uses a React front end and a Travis-ci pipeline to deploy to Firebase hosting. The website is hosted at:


To run locally you will need to download git and node.js. Then execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/ronniegeraghty/Ronnie-Sophie.git
cd Ronnie-Sophie
npm install

Then you can run the app locally using the following command:

npm run start


To contribute you should either fork the respository or create a new branch then make a pull request when you are ready to have the code merged with the master branch. The code will then be reviewed and merged if it is acceptable. If not a comment to why the code cannot be mereged will be left on the pull request.

File Structure

└─── public
│   │   favicon.ico
│   │   index.html
│   │   manifest.json
└─── scripts
│   │   file021.txt
│   │   file022.txt
└─── src
│   └─── components
│   │   └─── "Component Name"
│   │   │   │   index.jsx
│   │   │   │   "component Name".module.css
│   │ App.css
│   │ App.jsx
│   │ App.test.js
│   │ index.css
│   │ index.jsx
│   │ serviceWorker.js
│ .firebaserc
│ .gitignore
│ .travis.yml
│ package-lock.json
│ package.json
│ yarn.lock