
Snapshot in to my education, qualifications, previous jobs, and personal interests.


Snapshot in to my education, qualifications, previous jobs, and personal interests.


ronnith.nandy@cs.ox.ac.uk || LinkedIn || GitHub || ICPCID || C++, Python, Java


  • Penultimate Year -BA Computer Science [Hons] University of Oxford Oct 2022- July 2025

    1st Year Coursework: Discrete Mathematics | Functional programming | Linear Algebra | Probability | Imperative Programming | Design & Analysis of Algorithms | Continuous Mathematics | Digital System | Introduction to Formal Proof

    Year 1 Grade: First class with Distinction || Academic Award: Full Collections Prize

  • ISC -Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) Grade XII South City International School June-2022

    Percentage: 97% || Mathematics: 100/100

  • ICSE -Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (CISCE) Grade X South City International School March-2020

    Percentage: 98% || Mathematics: 100/100 Computer Science: 100/10


  • Software Development Intern Ocado Technology United Kingdom July 2023

    Responsibilities: Worked as a core team member of the Deployment Service Team contributing to code reviews and retrospectives.

  • Amazon Discover: Spring Technology Participant Amazon UK June 2023

Responsibilities: Learned & Implemented HashMap, DFS &BFS.Completed a mini project in a pair using Test Driven Development




Neural Network from Scratch

Implemented a class to automate the process of making and training Neural Networks of only dense layers.

  • Language: Python
  • Library used: NumPy

Traffic Sign Recognizer

Created a CNN to recognise Traffic Signs

  • Language used: Python
  • Libraries used: cv2, NumPy, TensorFlow, and Scikit Learn

Digit Recognizer

Created a model to help recognise the digits in a given image. It can be used in a photo OCR application.

  • Language used: Python
  • Libraries used: NumPy and Pandas

Sudoku 24

Developed Sudoku24 which randomly generates a new sudoku board every time a new game is started.

  • Language used: Python
  • Libraries used: NumPy and PyGame


  1. Computational Thinking Using Python
  2. CS50- Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence
  3. Probability - The Science of Uncertainty& Data
  4. Differential Calculus - Specialization
  5. Stanford Pre-Collegiate Number Theory | Linear Algebra
  6. Machine Learning Andrew. Ng
  7. Deep Learning Specialization | Andrew. Ng
  8. Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra
  9. Mathematical Thinking | Stanford University
  10. Functional Programming in Haskell

Positions of Responsibility

  • Contestant Coach ACM Inter Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) October 2022

    Team: ForTheAnnes [3 members]

    Responsibilities: Collaborated and Developed teams’ strategy in 2 Weeks to participate in ICPC Sub-regionals 2022.

    Results: In UKIEPC 2022, we as a team solved 8/ 12 problems and ranked #23 amongst 150 teams in UK.

  • Teaching Assistant & Mentor Program in Algorithmic & Combinatorial Thinking -PACT July 2022

    Responsibilities: Graded 250 Weekly Problem sets for Discrete Maths Assignments | Lead and mentored 6 participants.


Languages: (Proficient) C++, Python, Java (Familiar) C**, Haskell**, JavaScript

Technologies/Frameworks: (Proficient) TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit Learn, cv2, PyGame


LeetCode ronnith | Highest Rating - 2534 (Guardian)

CodeChef ronnith24 | Highest Rating - 2235 (6 Star)

Codeforces Ronnith| Highest Rating-1947(Candidate Master)

Hackerrank ronnith | 5* Problem Solver Gold level

CODESIGNAL General Coding Assessment || Score: 600/600 || Level: 10


Active member of CompSoc (Oxford Computing Society), The Invariants (Oxford Mathematical Society), The Oxford University Chess Club and Oxford University Board Games Society.