Institutional Data Managing System [iDBMS] design is basically aimed to provide complete information of the Institution and its schedule to the Students and Teachers according to which they can easily manage their time and resources. The Database Administrator can Insert, Modify and Delete Data corresponding to both Students and Teachers.

School [Institutional] Data Managing System

A DBMS Project

This "School [Institutional] Data Managing System" [IDBMS] project aims to overcome the challenges of scattered and diverse data within a small institution.

For a data management system lacking of a centralized data management system leading to data silos, redundancies, and limited collaboration, this hampers a data analysis, and overall efficiency managing system. Moreover, data security and privacy concerns pose significant risks. This IDBMS project seeks to implement a secure and user-friendly database management system that consolidates institutional data, streamlines data processes, and enables comprehensive analytics. By doing so, it empowers the institution to make informed decisions, enhance data quality, and achieve strategic objectives effectively.

In this project we created a institute database that manages various students and teachers details like their name, mobile, IDs, fees etc.
in an effective managing system with ER DIAGRAMS and RELATIONAL MODELS designed and Normalized the database to BCNF form to obtain minimum extent of data redundancy and space wastageas. The details and CodeWork are presented in the following folders.

[A Solitary [Single-handed] Project]