
Installation for VirtualControl4, big thank you to gschellhas for help contributing and updating

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible for Crestron VC4


Ansible role for automating the installation of Crestrons Virtual Control 4 Server based ControlSystem.

Feel free to fork and contribute

Was able to get the rpm install to work with expect, but sometimes the task fails although the install was successful

Tested with RockyLinux 9.3

I tried using the Ansible Expect module but the job either hangs, or puts in the incorrect values, if anyone has any experience automating that with ansible, feel free to create a pull-request.

Current Version: virtualcontrol-4-0003-00039-02

Update values in the following file

  • host - change ip address to your servers ip address
  • .vault.txt - create a .vault.txt file and save it in the root of this directory with a single line password
  • vault.yml - update the 2 vault files in the following location group_vars/all/vault.yml.example,roles/virtualcontrol/defaults/vault.yml.example and remove the .example or make a copy of the file without the .example extension


  • Create a .ansible_vault_pass.txt file in the root of this repo with a password
  • add credentials in the vault.yml file located in the path roles/virtualcontrol/defaults/vault.yml
  • If you are using a RedHat system, place credentials in the vault file

Content of .ansible_vault_pass.txt


Contents of the roles/virtualcontrol/defaults/vault.yml file

vault_rhsm_user: ""
vault_rhsm_pass: ""
vault_crestron_user: ""
vault_crestron_pass: ""
vault_mariadb_root_pass: ""
vault_mariadb_name: ""
vault_mariadb_user: ""

Contents of the group_vars/all/vault.yml these are required, they will be used for user and password of the server

vault_ansible_user: ""
vault_ansible_pass: ""

Download the vc4 package, unzip it and place the following files inside of the roles/virtualcontrol/files directory

  • crestron.repo
  • crestron1.repo
  • requirement.txt
  • virtualcontrol.rpm file (current version: virtualcontrol-4.0003.00039-1.noarch.rpm )

Directory structure should look something like this before running the playbook

├── ansible.cfg
├── .ansible_vault_pass.txt
├── .gitignore
├── group_vars
│   └── all
│       ├── vars.yml
│       ├── vault.yml
│       └── vault.yml.example
├── hosts
├── installVC4.yml
├── README.md
└── roles
    └── virtualcontrol
        ├── defaults
        │   ├── main.yml
        │   ├── vault.yml
        │   └── vault.yml.example
        ├── files
        │   ├── crestron1.repo
        │   ├── crestron.conf
        │   ├── crestron.repo
        │   ├── httpd-auth
        │   ├── requirement.txt
        │   └── virtualcontrol-4.0003.00039-1.noarch.rpm
        ├── tasks
        │   ├── harden.yml
        │   ├── install.yml
        │   ├── main.yml
        │   └── uninstall.yml
        └── templates
            └── udisks-crestron.j2

Running the playbook

ansible-playbook installVC4.yml

Current output when successful.

(ansible) ➜  vc4-ansible git:(main) ansible-playbook installVC4.yml

PLAY [Install VirtualControl4] ***********************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************************************************************************************************
ok: [vc02]

TASK [Setup sudoers file] ****************************************************************************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [Run VirtualControl Role] ***********************************************************************************************

TASK [virtualcontrol : include_vars] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - running the install task] ************************************************************
included: /home/rage/Scripts/ansible/vc4-ansible/roles/virtualcontrol/tasks/install.yml for vc02

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Create tmp directory] ****************************************************************
ok: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Copy files to tmp] *******************************************************************
changed: [vc02] => (item=crestron.repo)
changed: [vc02] => (item=crestron1.repo)
changed: [vc02] => (item=requirement.txt)
changed: [vc02] => (item=virtualcontrol-4.0000.00007-1.noarch.rpm)

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - OS Type Redhat, Register with RHSM] **************************************************
skipping: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - OS Type AlmaLinux, installing repo files] ********************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Install dnf packages] ****************************************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Start httpd service] *****************************************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Install pip requirements] ************************************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Install pexpect] *********************************************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - install virtualcontrol-4.0000.00007-1.noarch.rpm] ************************************
changed: [vc02]

TASK [virtualcontrol : VirtualControl - Start virtualcontrol service] ********************************************************
changed: [vc02]

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************************
vc02                       : ok=13   changed=9    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0