
I am an agile Web Developer, passionate about working with Software as a Service based applications, develop REST APIs using the best web application frameworks. I like to build MEAN based systems , microservices and deploying apps using Amazon Web Services or Heroku.

About me

I'm a proficient full stack developer and entrepreneur enthusiast, since a young age I was fascinated about computers, software and systems, when I was 16 I started my bachelor of Informatic Engineering at UCAB Guayana, I learned about algorithms, problem abstraction and programming in general.

When I was 20 I started to work on the Internet field programming several web development projects using platforms such as Upwork, that opportunity crafted my experience working remotely using a foreign language with people from around the world, since there I've been looking for the best tools and approaches to solve any kind of problems using the computer science technologies.

Today, i'm still eager to build new things, meet great people, develop ideas and generate better solutions to the people.



I have been working with angularJs for several projects, I use John Papa's Angular style guide, I use Less/Sass in order to craft beautiful interfaces, I've used several frontend frameworks like Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation and Angular Material (this one is my favorite :D )I use gulp with several tasks for develop and production phases.

Today i'm learning React and Angular in order to make better web applications using the cutting edge technologies outhere.


I've worked with php, ruby, python and node.js, I turned my choice to node.js due its flexibility and usability, my normal stack is like a MEAN stack but decoupled from the Frontend, I love to build REST APIs and wrap my services around it, I've deployed production code to AWS, including hosting , domain and ssl configuration, my web server of choice is nginx due its simplicity and its performance.

Today i'm learning about Golang and the microservices pattern as i've developed several complex backend running as a monolithic block and i want to migrate them to a more decoupled ecosystem.


I've succesfully developed a few projects with several hybrid frameworks including phonegap and ionicv1, although i've a beginner experience in Swift / Android today i'm turning my expertise path in this field to React Native doing several small projects for fun and learning.


At UCAB, I attended to the CCNA EXPLORATION course, completing the 4 modules succesfully.


I attended to the Caracas Startup Weekend Event several times crafting my abilities in entreprenourship, startup science and business models.

Work Magnament

I often use Slack, Trello, Jira among other tools for project management.


2016 - Today

I've working as a remote freelancer developer for a Canadian contractor building AnyDayBuddy, my current role is about to serve as programmer / technical leader for the core team, helping in frontend, backend, mobile and devops areas.

  • Technologies: angularJs, nodejs using (Sails.js) , ionicV1 framework, OneSignal push notifications, for deeplinking, Atatus for error logging, Cloudinary for image storage and transformation, MongoDB, pm2, deploybot, Amazon AWS including S3, EC2, route53 and Cloudfront.

2014 - 2016

I've worked as a Backend Developer LCC Opentech obtaining strong experience in several techonology areas, agile development and team managment, I met awesome team members like Daniel Iturriza, José Cols, Nader Abu, Robert Bevilacqua among others guys who can serve as personal references :).

  • Technologies: angularJs, Django REST framework, Amazon aws including S3, EC2, route53.

May - Aug 2014

Frontend developer at 4Geeks

  • Technologies: Bootstrap, Sass.

Feb - May 2014

Web developer intern at Andrade Gutierrez - Siderurgica Nacional Jose Ignacio Abreú e Lima, I've worked at the Human Resources division, developing a web application system to the Personal's assitance and access control.

  • Technologies: JQuery and CakePHP.

2015 - 2012

Former freelancer via Upwork in several projects for remote contractors, former freenlacer for local projects at the university and my community.

  • Technologies: angularJs, nodeJs, Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Ruby and Rails.


I'm always updating my tooling expertise, besides my personal github account I've created a small organisation at github Llovizna Labs the following links are related to small projects some of them finished and some of them in progress.


I have several hobbies, I like to read political, historic and entreprenourship books, I use the english language at professional work but I also like to learn several languages like french (vous pouvez lire un petit texte de présentation sur moi ici ), I also like to watch several science youtube channels.

  • Github I've several projects there, give them a look.
  • Gist I've several snippets there which can make you an idea of what I've been working on.
  • LinkedIn for those job hunters who are always looking for nice professionals.
  • Quora I've several answers there, give them some likes :)
  • Twitter
  • Spotify
  • Instagram
