
Plugin for integration between JSystem and Perfecto Mobile's "Mobile Cloud"

Primary LanguageJava


This repository consists of the following Java Maven projects:

  • perfecto-mobile-browser - A standalone Java application, implementing a web browser which allows interacting with Perfecto Mobile's "Mobile Cloud" web application views - "Perfecto Lab" and "Perfecto Dashboard". The application also receives the generated executionId after logging-in to the Perfecto app, stores it in memorey and serves it to other applications via a TCP socket.
  • jsystem-perfecto-plugin - Adding this plugin to JSystem allows adding Perfecto Mobile's tab inside the JSystem runner GUI. The plugin allows to configure the Perfecto cloud properties (host, username, password), and launching the perfecto-mobile-browser application.
  • jsystem-perfecto-infra - A JSystem SO project, containing the needed dependencies and classes for interacting with the Perfecto cloud and with the perfecto-mobile-browser application, to read the current executionId.
  • jsystem-perfecto-tests - A sample JSystem-Perfecto tests project. The project depends on the jsystem-perfecto-infra project, and contains the JSystemPerfectoTest class, responsible for intializing the communication with the Perfecto cloud.


Perfecto Mobile "Lab" and "Dashboard" browsers

Description and use

This is a standalone Java GUI application, based on the SWT library. The application can be used on its own, or it could be launched from Perfecto's tab inside JSystem runner.

To launch the application, double click on the perfecto-mobile-browser-<version>.jar file, or launch it from the command line by typing: java -jar perfecto-mobile-browser-<version>.jar.

Note: On Mac OS X, to lauch the application you need to provide an additional VM arument - -XstartOnFirstThread, as follows:

java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar perfecto-mobile-browser-<version>.jar

When launching the application without providing command line arguments, the browser will navigate to the "Perfecto Lab" view by default.

If you wish to launch the "Perfecto Dashboard" view, you need to add the dashbaord command line argument, as follows:

java -jar perfecto-mobile-browser-<version>.jar dashboard - will launch the "Perfecto Dashboard" view.
java -jar perfecto-mobile-browser-<version>.jar lab - will launch the "Perfecto Lab" view.


The application depends on the perfecto.properties file which should be located inside the same directory as the JAR file. The perfecto.properties file is used to configure the URL of the Perfecto Cloud and the username and password which would be used by the application to perform automatic log-in inside the web page, by invoking the doExternalLogin JavaScript function on the client-side.

Reading the executionId

The core feature of the application is to communicate with the client-side JavaScript code of the Perfecto application. The application receives and stores the executionId that's created after logging-in to "Perfecto Lab". The executionId is stored in memory, and can later be queried by other applications, e.g., code running from a JSystem test.

When launched, the application runs a TCP server, listening on port 3456. The server supprts the following requests from clients:
getExecutionId - returns the current executionId
getHost - returns the the current Perfeco cloud host, as was configured in the perfecto.properties file

How to build and deploy

This is a Maven project. To build it, run the following command line: mvn clean install from the project root directory. After a successful build, all artifacts will be found inside the target directory at the project's root.

The important artifacts are:

  • perfecto-mobile-browser-<version>.jar
  • perfecto.properties
  • perfecto_icon.png
  • lib (directory)

To make the perfecto-mobile-browser available from the JSystem Perfecto Mobile plugin tab, copy all the artifacts listed above into a new directory named perfecto, and put this directory at the root of your JSystem runner.


JSystem Perfecto Mobile Tab

Description and use

This is a plugin for the JSystem runner, which allows adding the "Perfecto Mobile" tab to the JSystem runner GUI. Once installed, the Perfecto tab allows the user to configure the Perfecto Cloud properties (host, username, password), and to launch the perfecto-mobile-browser in "Lab" and/or "Dashboard" views, by clicking the appropreate button.

Before launching the perfecto-mobile-browser, the application validates that all Perfecto cloud properties fields are not empty.

When clicking the "Open Perfecto Lab" and "Open Perfecto Dashboard" buttons, the application first checks if there isn't an instance of one of these already running. The plugin doesn't allow launching more than one instance of "Perfecto Lab" and "Perfecto Dashboard" each.

How to build and depoly

Noet: This plugin will function properly only if the perfecto directory with the perfecto-mobile-browser was placed at the root of your JSystem runner (see "How to build and deploy" for pefecto-mobile-browser above).

This is a Maven project. To build it, run the following command line: mvn clean install from the project root directory. After a successful build, all artifacts will be found inside the target directory at the project's root.

The only important build artifact is the jsystem-perfecto-plugin-<version>.jar file.

To add the plugin to JSystem, copy the jsystem-perfecto-plugin-<version>.jar file into the lib directory inside your JSystem runner direcotry.

To enable the "Perfecto Mobile" tab inside JSystem, follow these steps, inside your JSystem runner:

  1. Open "Tools" menu
  2. Select "JSystem Properties"
  3. Open the "New Features" tab
  4. Click the "..." button at the "add.generic.tabs" line
  5. Wait for "add.generic.tabs" window to show
  6. Select "jsystem.perfecto.plugin.PerfectoTab" (if there are other tabs that you want to retain, hold the Ctrl key while selecting).
  7. Click "Set" button and then "Save" button
  8. Allow JSystem to restart. After the restart you should see the "Perfecto Mobile" tab.

How to add the "Perfecto Mobile" tab to JSystem


Description and use

This is a JSystem SO project, created from the "jsystem-so-archetype" Maven archetype. This project contains all the dependencies and infrastructure classes needed for interacting with Perfecto Mobile's services from within a JSystem test class.

The most important classes of the projects which you should get familiar with are:

  • PerfectoLabConnectorClient - This is a simple TCP socket client with two static methods which allow interacting with the currently running "Perfeco Lab" perfecto-mobile-browser instance, to query for the current executionId and current perfecto host, using the getExecutionId and getHost methods respectively.
  • PerfectoLabUtils - This class has convenience methods for interacting with Perfecto Mobile. The most important method that you should know about is setExecutionIdCapability which actually communicates with the "Perfecto Lab" browser to get the current executionId, and sets it inside the DesiredCapabilities object.

How to build and depoly

When creating a JSystem tests project that should interact with Perfecto Mobile's services, you need to add jsystem-perfecto-infra as a dependency in the tests project's pom.xml file:


To make the dependency available for the tests project, you must build it by calling mvn clean install before trying to build your tests project.


Description and use

This is a sample JSystem Tests project, created from the "jsystem-tests-archetype" Maven archetype. This project depends on the jsystem-perfecto-infra project, and exemplifies how to implement a JSystem test which initiates the DesiredCapabilities with the current executionId which is read from the currently runnning "Perfecto Lab" perfecto-mobile-browser.

The main functionality can be seen in the JSystemPerfectoTest abstract test class, which initiates all Perfecto Mobile parameters in the @Before method.

The actual test demonstration is done in the JSystemPerfectoTestDemo class which extends JSystemPerfectoTest.

Note: The JSystem test demonstrated in in this class requires for a running instance of the "Perfecto Lab" perfecto-mobile-browser application, before launching the test.

How to build and depoly

Like all regular JSystem projects, you first need to build the dependencies and then the tests project itself by calling mvn clean install.

To run the tests from a JSystem runner, switch to this project by selecting "File" -> "Switch Project" -> browse and secelt the "jsystem-perfecto-tests" directory.