
Primary LanguageJava



No Feature Completed (Y/P/N)
1 All cards should be faced up to facilitate checking. Y
2 Start a new game with randomized 52 cards. Y
3 The first card in the deck is the first lead card and is placed at the center. Y
4 The first lead card determines the first player. Y
5 Deal 7 cards to each of the 4 players. Y
6 All players must follow the suit or rank of the lead card. Y
7 The highest-rank card with the same suit as the lead card wins the trick. Y
8 The winner of a trick leads the next card. Y
9 If a player cannot follow suit or rank, the player must draw from the deck until a card can be played. Y
10 When the remaining deck is exhausted and the player cannot play, the player does not play in the trick. Y
11 Finish a round of game correctly. Display the score of each player. Y
12 Can exit and save the game (use file or database). Y
13 Can resume the game. The state of the game is restored when resuming a game (use file or database). Y
14 Reset the game. All scores become zero. Round and trick number restart from 1. Y
15 Support GUI playing mode (cards should be faced up or down as in the real game). The GUI can be in JavaFX, Swing, Spring, or Android. Y
16 Keep the console output to facilitate checking. The data in console output and the GUI must tally. Y

User Guide

Watch How to Play Go Boom Youtube to understand the game.

Compilation Instructions

How to run the code?

For cli version

javac *.java && java Main

For GUI version

javac *.java && java GUI