
My Alacritty+Neovim+Tmux Build that substantially increases coding/typing productivity aka. my "workspace" setup

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My Alacritty+Neovim+Tmux Build that substantially increases coding/typing productivity
aka. my "workspace" setup


Picture of alacritty with tmux session Alt text Picture of nvim with NERDTree and Floaterm (Gruvbox Theme) Alt text Picture of nvim with NERDTree and Floaterm (Catppucin Theme) Alt text Picture of nvim with NERDTree and Floaterm (Iceberg Theme) Alt text


Install alacritty, neovim, tmux using your favourite package manager
(Arch Linux)

sudo pacman -S alacritty neovim tmux

Run the Install script

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ronylee11/ant
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ant

Install Vim-Plug

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Install all the plugins in nvim

nvim ~/.vimrc
:source %

Run :checkhealth to add other dependencies you need
To Enable Python Support

pip install pynvim
sudo pip install pynvim

Install TPM

git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Run tmux Then press CTRL+F, R to source tmux.conf
CTRL+F, Shift+I to install tmux plugins

Install other dependencies

sudo npm i -g bash-language-server
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg yarn ripgrep

Edit snippets with
:CocCommand snippets.editSnippets
at the end of the file, add

snippet cl "console.log()" b

Enable Copilot

npm i -g n
n install v17
:Copilot setup


Tmux config from Fatih Arslan

    create a tab: ctrl-f c
    close a tab: ctrl-f &
    close a pane: ctrl-f x (this also closes the tab if there is a single pane)
    create vertical pane: ctrl-f v
    create horizontal pane: ctrl-f s
    move between panes: ctrl-f h, ctrl-f j, ctrl-f k and ctrl-f l
    resize panes: ctrl-f H, ctrl-f J, ctrl-f K and ctrl-f L
    jump to specific tab: ctrl-f <number>, i.e: ctrl-f 3

Neovim config

		Show definition of current word - Shift + K
		Show Hidden Files - Shift + B
		Toggle Tree - Ctrl + B
		Switch to Next Opened File - Ctrl + RightArrow
		Switch to Previous Opened File - Ctrl + LeftArrow
		Toggle Focus to Tree - Ctrl + W + W
		Open File in New Tab - T
		Open File in Horizontal Split - I
		Open File in Vertical Split - S
		Create/(Move or Rename)/Delete File - M + A/M/D
    Refresh/Reload Files - R
		Toggle Terminal - Alt + Escape
		Terminal Normal Mode - Escape + Escape
		Terminal Insert Mode - I
	Vim-Tmux Navigator:
		Switch Focus to Left - Ctrl + H
		Switch Focus to Right - Ctrl + L
		Switch Focus to Top - Ctrl + K
		Switch Focus to Bottom - Ctrl + J
		Comment/Uncomment Line - Ctrl + /
		Comment/Uncomment Multiple Line - (Highlight in Visual Mode) and Ctrl + /
    Search File by Filename - Ctrl + P
    Search File by Content - Ctrl + N
    View all marked files - Ctrl + A
    Mark current file - Alt + A
    Jump to marked file no 1~5 - Alt + 1~5



  • How to synchronize sudo nvim and nvim ?

    In /etc/xdg/nvim/sysinit.vim, add source /home/<user>/.config/nvim/init.vim

    Link Treesitter Modules and Coc Settings

    ln -s /home/<user>/.config/nvim/lua /etc/xdg/nvim/lua
    ln -s /home/<user>/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json /etc/xdg/nvim/coc-settings.json

    Enable Vim-Plug

    ln -s /home/<user>/.vimrc /root/.vimrc
    ln -s /home/<user>/.vim/ /root/.vim

    Link Coc Extensions

    ln -s /home/<user>/.config/coc /root/.config/coc

    Link Plugins

    cd /root/.local/share/nvim/
    ln -s /home/<user>/.local/share/nvim/plugged plugged

    Link Python Modules (specifically needing pynvim)

    cd /root/.local
    ln -s /home/<user>/.local/lib lib
  • How to fix coc-rainbow-fart not playing audio ?

    In ~/.config/coc/extensions/coc-rainbow-fart-data
    Remove ffplay and replace it with a symlink to ffplay installed locally (/bin/ffplay)
    With the command ln -s /bin/ffplay ffplay


Useful Resources