
A project template for authoring and publishing JavaScript libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Babel Starter Kit

A project template for authoring and publishing JavaScript libraries


    ✓ Next generation JavaScript via Babel
    ✓ Publish to NPM as ES5, ES6+ and UMD
    ✓ Pre-configured tests with Mocha, Chai and Sinon
    ✓ Project documentation boilerplate
    ✓ Cross-platform, minimum dependencies

Getting Started

Start by cloning this repo and installing project dependencies:

$ git clone -o babel-starter-kit https://github.com/kriasoft/babel-starter-kit.git MyProject
$ cd MyProject
$ npm install

Update your name in LICENSE.txt and project information in package.json and README.md files. Write your code in src folder, write tests in test folder. Run npm run build to compile the source code into a distributable format. Write documentation in markdown format in docs folder. Run npm run serve to launch a development server with the documentation site.

How to Test

$ npm run lint          # Lint your code
$ npm test              # Run unit tests

How to Update

Down the road you can fetch and merge the recent changes from this repo back into your project:

$ git checkout master
$ git fetch babel-starter-kit
$ git merge babel-starter-kit/master
$ npm install


Copyright (c) 2015 Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya)  |  The MIT License