
Tools to create filesystem images from an fspec filesystem specification.

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Tools to create filesystem images from an fspec filesystem specification.


Generate an fspec from the current directory:

$ fspec-fromdir



Generate an fspec from another directory:

$ fspec-fromdir -C / dev



Create a tarball:

$ fspec-tar < fs.fspec | gzip > out.tar.gz

Create an initramfs:

$ fspec-cpio < fs.fspec | gzip > out.cpio.gz

Extract a tarball:

# no root needed for special devices
$ gzip -d < fs.tar.gz | fspec-fromarchive -d ./data > fs.fspec


fspec     ::= record ("\n" record)* "\n"?
record    ::= name attribute+
name      ::= "/" [^\n]* "\n"
attribute ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ "=" [^\n]+ "\n"

An fspec file consists of a sequence of records separated by blank lines. Each record describes a node in the filesystem. The first line in a record is the file path, and it is followed by one or more attribute lines. Since newline characters are used to separate the parts of a record, they are banned from file names and attribute values.

The following attributes are available:

  • type (required): Type of filesystem node.
    • reg: Regular file
    • sym: Symbolic link
    • dir: Directory
    • fifo: FIFO special file.
    • chardev: Character device node
    • blockdev: Block device node
  • mode: File permission bits, represented as exactly four octal digits. If not present, the default depends on type:
    • reg: 0644
    • sym: 0777
    • dir: 0755
    • fifo: 0644
    • chardev: 0600
    • blockdev: 0600
  • uid: File owner's ID. If not present, 0 is used.
  • gid: File group's ID. If not present, 0 is used.
  • source: Local path to file containing the contents to be added to the filesystem image. Only valid for type=reg. If not present, the entry name is used, relative to the directory containing the manifest.
  • target: Symlink target. Only valid and required for type=sym.
  • devnum: Device number. Only valid and required for type=chardev or type=blockdev.