
Playground for overengineered kustomize reosurces


A set of flexible kustomization resources that provide useful defaults for generic applications deployed in enthusiast-grade Kubernetes clusters.

This set of Kustomizations is built from the following observations:

  1. Most selfhostable applications are cut by the same statefulset-service-ingress pattern.
  2. Some of them will have small deviations from the pattern.
  3. Deployments for the same application do not vary a lot between different clusters.
  4. Cluster-specific variations are often reusable across applications.

This set of Kustomizations attempts to provide highly composable Kustomize resources that can be used to create applications from a common base. It does not attempt to be exhaustive, but it does attempt to capture in a composable way the most common patterns of a simple deployment.

Application-specific quirks can be applied using patches on top of the provided components.

Cluster-specific variations can be built by users on a different repo. As an example, composable variations for my personal cluster cury can be found in contrib/curry.

This project uses semver, but changes to the contrib/ folder are not considered breaking.

Kustomize 101

A collection of resources (static, plain manifests) that are modified by patches, and other modifications that are applied on top of them.

# kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
  - ingress.yaml
  - patch: |
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/rules/0/host
        value: testapp.terabox.moe
# ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
    - host: foo.bar
    # ...

Kustomizations can include other kustomizations, e.g. A includes B. The included kustomization patches are applied first on top of those resources, then the includer kustomization's patches are applied on top of all resources.

The included patches cannot reference manifests in the includer kustomization, or in other included kustomizations.

Replacements can get fields from an object and paste it into others.

The Replacement below gets the name of a Deployment and copies it into the name of all Ingresses and Services in the Kustomization.

apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Replacement
    kind: Deployment
    fieldPath: metadata.name
  - select:
      kind: Ingress
    fieldPaths: metadata.name
  - select:
      kind: Service
    fieldPaths: metadata.name

Like patches, the fieldPath fields support descending into arbitrarly deep nodes, and filtering arrays.


Components change the rules of the game, by defining sets of both manifests and modifiers (patches, replacements, etc.) that are applied to all manifests belonging to the Kustomization that imports them.

This means a Component acts as a reusable patch set that can affect siblings and parents.

By defining a set of Replacements and Patches into a Component we can make, for example, a Component that creates a Service manifest for a given port, and injects that very same port into the first container of a StatefulSet that does not belong to the Component.

This repo

This makes heavy (ab)use of Components and Replacements to provide a skeleton for standard webapps, which are composed of a StatefulSet with a single container and a path to persist data, a Service, and an Ingress.


The kustomization-meta ConfigMap

Base Components get some application-specific information using a Replacement that copies things from a ConfigMap called kustomization-meta. This ConfigMap needs to be defined by the app and have a name and a port properties.

Other application-specific behavior is defined as Patches or Replacements. name and port are not specified this way because they need to be templated across multiple components, and they need to exist


The ss-base component provides a simple StatefulSet. ss-base/port and ss-base/pvc can be used to add a port or a PVC to this StatefulSet, and ss-base/mount to mount that PVC. ingress and service can be used to add the corresponding resources to the application as well.

All these components can modify each other by leveraging labelSelectors. E.g., ss-base/service knows to which StatefulSet it needs to patch because the StatefulSet generated by the ss-base component has a specific label for this purpose.


# testapp.yaml
  - meta.yaml

  - ../_resources/ingress/internal
  - ../_resources/ss-base
  - ../_resources/ss-base/hostpath
  - ../_resources/ss-base/service
  - ../_resources/_names

  - target:
      kind: Ingress
    patch: |
      - op: replace
        path: /spec/rules/0/host
        value: testapp.terabox.moe

  - name: _
    newName: ghcr.io/roobre/testapp:1.2.3
# meta.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kustomize-meta
  name: testapp
  port: "8080"