Frontend Mentor - Body Mass Index Calculator solution

This is my solution to the Body Mass Index Calculator challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Select whether they want to use metric or imperial units
  • Enter their height and weight
  • See their BMI result, with their weight classification and healthy weight range
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page






My process

Built with

  • HTML5, CSS
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • React
  • Tailwind

What I learned

Styling the radio buttons was the first challenge in this project. I leaned about the appearance and accent-color properties. Also how to require a change on hover, a different change on checked and another different change on checked&hovered. Here is my rather long tailwindcss for an input in this project:

<input name='selection' type="radio" id='metric' value='metric' className='mr-[18px] w-[31px] h-[31px] appearance-none rounded-[50%] border border-solid border-borders checked:bg-blue checked:border-[8px] checked:border-solid checked:border-[#d8e2e7] hover:border-blue checked:hover:bg-blue checked:hover:border-[#d8e2e7]'/>

The next challenge that has been difficult is while in tablet view how to keep the image scaled correctly and not sacrifice a piece of the image. I am using object-fit: cover on the image and it scales nicely. However, the rounded edges of the image are not visible. If I allow do not use object-fit: cover then the rounded edges are visible but the image does not scale correctly.

Without object fit

With object fit

I got a lot of practice with passing props between components with this project. I am still not where I want to be but I am becoming more comfortable with it. Another thing I was able to do was to use a conditional inside of the return of a component. I've done this before but was able to use it this time for a solution to a problem was having. Here is the code:

return (
      <div id="bottomResultsContainer" className='p-8 bg-blue rounded-2xl flex flex-col md:rounded-[16px_999px_999px_16px] md:h-[185px] md:flex-wrap md:justify-center'>
    {isNaN(userBMI) ? (
        <div id="welcomeContainer">
          <div id="welcomeHeading" className='font-["Inter"] text-white text-2xl tracking-[-1.2px] font-semibold mb-4'>
          <div id="welcomeCopy" className='font-["Inter"] text-white text-sm leading-[150%] font-normal'>
            <p>Enter your height and weight and you’ll see your BMI result here</p>
    ): (
        <div id='resultsHeading' className='font-["Inter"] font-semibold leading-[150%] text-white md:w-[50%] md:pb-2 xl:text-base xl:leading-[150%]'>
          <p>Your BMI is...</p>
        <div id='resultsNumber' className='font-["Inter"] mb-6 text-5xl font-semibold leading-[110%] tracking-[-2.4px] text-white md:w-[50%] md:mb-0 md:pb-4 xl:text-[64px] xl:tracking-[-3.2px] xl:pb-0'>
        <div id='resultsInfo' className='font-["Inter"] text-sm font-normal leading-[150%] text-white md:w-[50%]'>
          <p>{bmiOutput()}<span className='font-semibold'>{idealWeight()}</span></p>

Useful resources
