100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 - Day 86 - Typing Speed Test

  • Entertainment web app solution

This is a solution my to the Typing Speed Test.

Table of contents


The challenge

Using Tkinter and what I have learned about building GUI applications with Python, I built a desktop app that assesses your typing speed. Using the Wordnik API I provide the user some sample text and detect how many words they can type per minute and how accurate they are.

I used this site as a blueprint: blueprint




Movie Mobile

Built with

  • python3
  • Tkinter
  • Wordnik API

What I learned

This project took me much longer than the alloted 90 minutes to complete, but I wanted a finished product that could be used, and I think I accomplished that. This project shows my progression as a developer. Given a fairly new language, Python, use a library that I have barely used, Tkinter, to create this project. Previously, during class assignments, I would have sat shell shocked as I fumbled about trying to solve the problem. But through experience I was able to take this project in stride and learn/re-learn the library, and implement the logic. It was a worthwhile project for me.
