
API for controlling lightwaverf home automation hardware.

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple API to communicate with LightwaveRF home automation hardware.

Uses the lightwaverf gem, see https://github.com/pauly/lightwaverf


Get a LightWaveRF wifi link http://amzn.to/V7yPPK and a remote socket http://amzn.to/RkukDo

Run this code on a machine on your local network, install ruby and the lightwaverf gem, edit the file init.d to match your config, then

sudo cp init.d /etc/init.d/lightwaverf-api

and restart your machine. On reboot the api will be running on port 80 on this machine. Then

GET http://localhost/room # lists rooms
GET http://localhost/room/foo # lists devices in room "foo"
PUT http://localhost/room/foo/bar?status=on # turns device "bar" in room "foo" on
PUT http://localhost/room/foo/bar?status=off # turns device "bar" in room "foo" off
PUT http://localhost/room/foo/bar?status=50 # turns device "bar" in room "foo" to 50% brightness
PUT http://localhost/room/foo/all?status=on # turns all devices in room "foo" on
PUT http://localhost/room/foo/all?status=off # turns all decies in room "foo" off

GET http://localhost/sequence # lists sequences
GET http://localhost/sequence/foo # lists devices controlled in sequence "foo"
Put http://localhost/sequence/foo # execute sequence "foo"

This code is unofficial and unaffiliated with http://www.lightwaverf.com, please let me know how you get on http://www.clarkeology.com/wiki/lightwaverf / @pauly


  • Package it
  • Make it configurable
  • Add a page that controls the api into the api
  • Make a real phone app
  • ???
  • Proft