
http://curlpaste.com Curl POST any piece of text and share it!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


Regular API

GET /{id}

Returns document at {id}

GET /web/{id}

Returns document in web view at {id}


Upload document, returns {id}

POST /web

Upload document from web view

Secure Methods

POST /once

Upload document, returns {id}. After one GET of {id}, document is deleted.

POST /once?expires={seconds}

Upload document, returns {id}. After one GET of {id}, document is deleted. Document is also deleted after {seconds}.

Plain HTTP

	node server -p <port>

Secure with HTTPS

Simply place privkey.pem and fullchain.pem in the root directory. Run the secure HTTPS server with node server.js -p 443 -s where -s signifies it will read the key and the cert.

  var server = https.createServer({