Learn low level design of system at scale. prepare for the low level design (LLD) / Machine Coding round interviews.
Learn to design low level system
Learning low level design of scalable systems will help you become better engineer.
This repo is an organized collection of resources to help you learn low level design of systesm's.
Feel free to submit pull requests to help:
- Add new questions
- Improve new questions
- add new solutions
- Fix errors
- Improve sections
- Add new sections
Under development
Interested in adding a section or helping complete one in-progress? Contribute!
- how to guide and study material along with various resources.
- add more questions and improve exisiting questions.
- add solutions for the problems along with their detailed explaination (maybe video)
Credits and sources are provided throughout this repo.
Special thanks to:
- Donne Martin
- Systesm Design Primer
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Leetcode
- GeeksforGeeks
- G Balasubramanian
- Udit Agarwal
Contact Info
Feel free to contact me to discuss any issues, questions, or comments.
My contact info can be found on my Github Page