Aptos JSON-RPC API Service on Cloudflare Workers.
Aptos Node provides a REST API for client applications to query the Aptos blockchain.
But most blockchains use JSON-RPC for the clients to interact with the nodes.
So here provider an option for developers who prefer to use the JSON-RPC to interact with Aptos.
- Just click the button and follow the steps
- Use Wrangler
Clone this repository and run wrangler deploy
in the directory, make sure wrangler installed and login first
Init Aptos API Spec
npx ts-node ./src/init.ts [mainnet | testnet | devnet]
config in index.ts -
Run at local
npm run start
Now you can start your request:
JSON-RPC method name is the REST API spec operation id, and support three formats like:
JSON-RPC params transform follow these principles:
- parameters in path are required as the first elements of params array
- request body is the next element of params array if present in spec
- parameters in query except ledger_version are the next element of params array, the element type is object if query parameters more than one
- parameter ledger_version in query are the last element of params array if present in spec which is optional
- support content-type application/x.aptos.signed_transaction+bcs request by use hex string in the params
See examples in test
curl --request POST \ --url https://aptos-jsonrpc.dev2pub.workers.dev/ \ --header 'user-agent: vscode-restclient' \ --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","id": 0,"method": "get_ledger_info","params": []}'
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": { "chain_id": 61, "epoch": "21", "ledger_version": "1010908", "oldest_ledger_version": "0", "ledger_timestamp": "1686412427415641", "node_role": "full_node", "oldest_block_height": "0", "block_height": "487996", "git_hash": "b03517fe92a5695d774e12d864d94b40f8194c89" }, "blockHeight": "487996", "chainId": "61", "epoch": "21", "ledgerOldestVersion": "0", "ledgerTimestampusec": "1686412427415641", "ledgerVersion": "1010908", "oldestBlockHeight": "0" }