
Evaluation programs for https://github.com/Rookii/paicehusk

Primary LanguageGo

#Project Motivation

Over the last year I've been using a relatively new (2009 announce, first "stable" release 28 Mar 2012) programming language called Go, for various projects. As it's a new language it lacks a lot the niche type libraries common in older languages. Go has an existing Porter stemming algorithm implementation and while it is old and well tested, it isn't very flexible or customizable. I decided to create a Go implementation of the Paice/Husk rule based stemmer to help fill a gap in the languages libraries, and make it freely available under a MIT style license. A simple website hosted on Google App Engine was also created to demonstrate use of the library, as well as a separate evaluation program.

#Architecture and Implementation

The project was split into 3 separate parts:

  1. The paicehusk stemming library
  2. A demonstration website
  3. The evaluation program

##The Paice/Husk library: The library was developed using only functionality provided by the Go standard Library. It consists of around 450 lines of Go. The stemmer follows the algorithm defined at http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/stemming/Links/paice.htm. The exposed API consists of the following functionality:

###NewRuleTable Takes a slice of strings in rule format, validates them and returns a new RuleTable.

func NewRuleTable(f []string) (table *RuleTable)

// Example usage:
var DefaultRules = NewRuleTable(strings.Split(defaultRules, "\n"))

###DefaultRules Provides a default set of rules for a user.

var DefaultRules = NewRuleTable(strings.Split(defaultRules, "\n"))

// Example Usage:
for i := range testFile {

###ValidRule Extracts a rule from the provided string using the regexp [a-zA-Z]*\\*?[0-9][a-zA-z]*[.>]

// Validates a rule
func ValidRule(s string) (rule string, ok bool)

// Example Usage:
s, ok := ValidRule(s)
if !ok {
	return nil, false

###ParseRule Converts the textual representation of a rule to a rule struct

// ParseRule parses a rule in the form:
// |suffix|intact flag|number to strip|Append|Continue flag
func ParseRule(s string) (r *rule, ok bool)

// Example Usage:
table = &RuleTable{Table: make(map[string][]*rule)}
for _, s := range f {
	if r, ok := ParseRule(s); ok {
		table.Table[r.suf[:1]] = append(table.Table[r.suf[:1]], r)

###Stem Method on RuleTable that returns the stem of the param word using the stored rules.

// Stem a string, word, based on the rules in *RuleTable r, by following
// the algorithm described at:
// http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/stemming/Links/paice.htm
func (r *RuleTable) Stem(word string) string

// Example Usage:
for i := range testFile {

##Demonstration Site: To demonstrate the use of the library and to provide an easy to use stemming service, I created a simple website hosted on Google App Engine. Go is one of the 3 run-times supported by App Engine, and as such, allowed me to integrate my library very quickly and easily.

I used the Bootstrap front-end framework so I didn't have to employ my terrible design skills.


The page communicates with the server via Ajax requests.

	type: "POST",
	url: "/stem",
	data: JSON.stringify(input),
}).done(function(data) {
	var res = "| ";
	var raw = "\n\nRaw output:\n";
	$.each(data, function(key, value){
		res += key + ": " + value + " | ";
		raw += value + "\n";
	$("#output").val(res + raw);

The Contents of the Input text box is converted to a JSON object, then posted to the server. The server un-marshals the JSON and stems the input word by word, storing the resulting stems in a map, de-duplicating the input. This map is then converted to JSON and returned to the page, where it is written to the out put text box.

if err := decoder.Decode(text); err != nil {
	http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

words := wordreg.FindAllString(text.Text, -1)
for _, word := range words {
	out[strings.ToLower(word)] = paicehusk.DefaultRules.Stem(word)

encoder := json.NewEncoder(w)
if err := encoder.Encode(out); err != nil {
	http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

##Evaluation A stemmers strength is based on how likely it is to merge words together. A weak stemmer will only merge clearly related words, eg plurals by dropping the 's' or verb variants such as dropping the 'ing' of 'fighting'. A strong stemmer will be much more aggressive, however this increases the likely hood of stemming errors. The Paice/Husk stemmer is generally considered a "strong" stemming algorithm.

The Go implementation was evaluated against 3 word lists. It was also compared to an older Pascal implementation to test implementation accuracy, as well as the Porter Stemmer to provide another comparison.

The following metrics were calculated:

  1. Mean number of words per conflation class
  2. Index Compression Factor
  3. Number of words and stems that differ
  4. Mean number of characters removed
  5. Median number of characters removed
  6. The mode number of characters removed
  7. The mean Hamming distance
  8. The median Hamming distance
  9. The mode Hamming distance
  10. Fox and Frake Similarity Metric
  11. Chris O'Neill Similarity Metric
  12. Character removal distribution table
  13. Hamming distance distribution table

####Implementation Accuracy I believe my implementation of the Paice/Husk algorithm to be accurate, however it does have some differences from the older Pascal version, and another C implementation that I tested against (in which I discovered several bugs). I've went over the algorithm and rule files many times, and have come to the conclusion that the older versions have errors, or have modifications to the algorithm.